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发布时间:2020-04-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Near, near, I hear the footsteps of spring. Swallows are whispering, wild geese are flying across the blue sky, and the murmuring water brings the message of spring. I don't know where to slip a touch of new green, then, as early as it seems, the trees bloom new buds, green grass all over the hillside, everywhere is attractive green.


In a flash, the winter is gone, and spring has quietly come to the world. Spring, is a beautiful season, is full of poetic season; spring, also means a vibrant start. Since ancient times, poets love spring and praise it because the scenery of spring is pleasant and poetry can be found everywhere. Walking in the garden of ancient poems and flowers, we can see that the poems on spring are colorful and colorful, which make us dizzy. We can pick up a few at will and read them slowly. We are unconsciously intoxicated by them.


"In one night, the light thunder falls on thousands of threads, and the light, floating tiles and green are uneven. Love peony with spring tears, powerless rose lying on the dawn branch. " This is the spring day written by Qin Guan, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty. This poem is about spring after rain. Look, the courtyard after the rain, the morning mist thin cage, the blue tiles crystal clear, bright spring; peony with rain tears, the pulse, roses still lying on the branches, charming and charming. Here is a close-up view with a long-term perspective, dynamic and static, emotional and posture, random spot dyeing, uneven. The poem is full of profound thoughts and vivid description, with a fresh and graceful charm, which is very popular.


"There are songbirds in the trees of Chaolai court, and the red and green help spring to the far forest. It's hard to find a good poem to arrange syntax. " This is the Song Dynasty poet Chen Yuyi's spring day. This poem is about spring morning. Ears full of birds, eyes full of green branches, green and red help each other, different fragrance attractive. There are only a few poems by the poet, and a picture of spring will be displayed in front of the readers. Then, the poet simply stops writing, no longer describing the spring scenery, and turns to lyricism. Spring is full-bodied and inspired suddenly, but the treacherous poets use the elusive words of "hard to find" to lure the readers to feel the spring. This method of living with reality leaves a lot of imagination space for the readers.


"With the sky far away, the trees are bright in the slanting sun. Where does a dog know to bark? People travel in the middle of the mountain. " This is the spring day by Yang Wanli, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. This poem is about the spring evening. The sun is covered with trees, the green space is connected with the sky, the dog barks happily, and the man returns late. This poem is natural and close to the eye. It is often skillful and strange. It brings readers into a panoramic atmosphere of spring. Here, there is the beauty of spring, the splendor of spring color, the intensity of spring flavor, and the harmony of spring sound. In the meantime, people will open their hearts and sing heartily.


"In spring, the baby swallow flies and the wasp pounces on the flowers. The window is full of distant color, and the fish is fragrant and near the rock. " This is the southern garden by Li He, a poet of Tang Dynasty. The spring of South Garden is full of vitality and interest. Spring water is just born, swallow is flying, bees are picking flowers to make honey, fish are holding hooks to find food. These are the scenery with spring characteristics. The vision goes straight into the study through the window, making people comfortable and happy. This poem is vivid, fresh and flowing, which makes people feel fresh and comfortable.


"In the ancient wood shade, there is a short awning, and the staff helps me across the east of the bridge. Wet apricot rain with clothes, not cold willow wind. " This is the poem by Zhinan, a monk in the Southern Song Dynasty. This is a quatrain describing spring outing. The bright spring brings the monks' pleasure, so they go out of the temple and watch the spring light. Take a boat with a small awning to travel, park the boat under the ancient trees, and walk on the east of Chenopodium bridge. Although it is plain, the boat is parked in the ancient wood shade. This picture is very elegant and simple, like a picture of ancient Chinese literati painting. The last two sentences accurately and succinctly show the beautiful and pleasant scene of apricot blossom in spring, rain in succession, willow fluttering, east wind and warm, which is a famous sentence handed down for thousands of years. This poem is a combination of sentiment and scenery, and harmony between matter and heart. The poet grasps the characteristics of spring wind and rain, and then displays his inner joy and love for nature with a little exaggeration.


"The grass grows and the warbler flies in February, and the willows are drunk with spring smoke. When children come back from school early, take advantage of the east wind to put the kite. " This is the village house by Gao Ding, a poet of Qing Dynasty. 1、 The second sentence describes the nature in spring in a concrete and vivid way, and describes the unique bright and charming scenery in the countryside in spring. In February, the spring light is bright, the grass grows and the Orioles fly, and the willows brush the bank with long branches, as if intoxicated by the beautiful spring color. 3、 Four sentences describe the vivid scene of a group of lively children flying kites in the bright spring light. Their laughter makes the spring more vigorous. The poem is clear in writing, and it is refined in words. The whole poem is full of happy emotions, which give readers a good emotional infection.


"Yinyin river turns green, and the light rain turns the duckweed to light sand. The goose and the duck don't know where to go in spring. They compete with the water to take advantage of the peach blossom. " This is the Song Dynasty poet Chao Chongzhi's spring day. This is a poem of cherishing the spring. There are four lines and four sceneries in the poem. The stream is clear, the drizzle turns over the duckweed, the goose and the duck play, and the peach blossom chases the water. The picture is very clear, and the experience is like at present, which makes people feel carefree. The poet expresses his feeling with the sight of "taking advantage of peach blossom" of geese and ducks. Spring has gone, geese and ducks don't know, so they are happy to chase, carefree, but people are different. They know not only that spring is coming, but also that spring is going. Although falling flowers can be chased, time can't be returned. The poet's feeling of cherishing spring is full of expression.


上一篇: 春天

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