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发布时间:2020-04-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编


No one in the world wants war. War is cruel, terrible and tragic. Once the war broke out, we thought that many people would lose their homes, relatives and lives. A soldier in the eyes of the president is nothing, but for a mother, it's everything.


The arrival of a war does not mean that it can bring happiness to this country, but is mostly a cruel fact.


For nine thousand years, science and technology have been improving, and wars have not decreased.


Why can't human beings live in peace?


Whether it's a world war or a war on terror. After all, it's not just a "profit".


China's vast territory has been invaded by the Japanese for this reason, but today the Japanese say it is for self-defense: Iraq has a large amount of oil in its country, which is the most valuable thing in the world. In order to get a lot of oil, the Americans attacked Iraq, and ostentatiously, to fight against terrorist organizations.


How lofty and ridiculous the reasons for these "Robbers" are!


"Sometimes the government is a robber, but the people will never be a robber." this is a message written by Mr. Hugo, a French writer, to a general of the British French allied forces.


No one wants war, see it.


People are eager for the bell of peace to ring as soon as possible, and hope that there will be no war in the world as soon as possible!


When will the world make a sword a plough?


When will a sword be a plough? That is to say, when can the world really achieve the elimination of war and the emergence of permanent peace?


After the end of the Second World War, there was a scene of peace in the world. People entered a period of peace from the suffering of war. They felt that peace did not come easily. People all over the world deeply hoped that there would be no more wars in the future. Therefore, the first session of the world peace defense assembly opened on April 20, 1949. The first session of the assembly was held in Paris and Prague from April 20 to 25, 1949 Time to take place.


On April 20, 1949, the first session of the World Conference for peace was opened:


The second time after the war, the cold war rose, threatening the peaceful life of the residents. A number of international organizations and famous people have initiated the convening of the World Conference for the defence of peace to oppose aggression and war policies and call for the unconditional prohibition of atomic weapons and weapons of mass destruction. The first Congress was held in Paris and Prague from 20 to 25 April 1949. More than 2000 delegates from 72 countries attended the conference. The General Assembly adopted more than 10 documents, such as the declaration of the World Conference for the protection of peace and the declaration to the world's people, and elected a standing committee.


In December 1952, in order to congratulate the world people's peace conference held in Vienna, Picasso, a famous French painter, presented a new work -- a dove of peace. It gives us a new symbol of a higher stage in the struggle of the people of the world for peace.


This is Picasso's third picture of the dove of peace. The first was in April 1949, when the first world peace conference was held, he drew a peaceful pigeon, expressing the simple and dignified will of peace loving people. In the second picture, in September 1950, he drew another pigeon to dedicate to the second world peace conference. This is the peace pigeon flying around the world. It has not stopped there quietly, but spread its wings. When the world people's peace conference was held again in December 1952, Picasso gave a third peace dove.


In order to commemorate the convening of the first world peace conference, the Soviet sculptor Yevgeny wuchedzic created a bronze statue of "casting a sword into a plow". The young people in the sculpture held a hammer in one hand and a sword to be converted into a plow in the other hand, symbolizing the human demand for the elimination of war and the transformation of weapons of destruction into tools of creation for the benefit of all mankind. This bronze statue was presented to the United Nations by the Soviet government in 1959 as a permanent memorial. It is still placed in the United Nations garden and decorated with the square garden in front of the United Nations building with other sculptures presented to the United Nations by other countries!


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