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发布时间:2020-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


I am a member of nature -- autumn rain


In nature, rain is a gorgeous and beautiful color, including drizzle, storm with strong wind and roar, thunderstorm with lightning and thunder. And I am the autumn rain.


Mischievous I began to float, dense on the ground, but silent. I look at the whole earth, it is a new look, I seem to hang a thin curtain to the earth. The little trees greedily suck the rain, the beautiful flowers take off their colorful skirts, the squirrel children hide under the branches, spread out their little hands and then water drops, and excitedly call it rain. The forest is so quiet, only the rain on the fallen leaves, into the spring, dripping on every little animal's face. Rain, such as silk to the forest, weaving a green carpet without cliff.


Unconsciously I came to the field. When I look around, you can see that the terraces in the field are golden yellow, and the corn is tall, like the old man smoothing his beard and smiling, and the heavy Golden Millet bows to you to welcome you. Red apples, yellow pears, red agates, pomegranates, lanterns of tomatoes, golden rice fields, farmers have been cutting rice in the sickle, this is the autumn of victory, the autumn of harvest. Fields of autumn! Golden, boundless, full of golden rice waves. The autumn wind blows over the heavy ears of rice, making a sound, as if urging people: "hurry up, hurry up!" It's time for a good harvest. I smile at the rice field, I dance and sprinkle the rain. I tried my best, because I knew that after the rain, it was the smiling face of the farmers and a rich harvest.


I smiled and left the field to the bustling city. People hold colorful umbrellas, and the sound of dada becomes one note by one, jumping into the music of nature. There is no obstruction on the road, no discordant sound of trumpets, no loud noise, only mists and drizzles. Everything is so peaceful.


I clattered and sang. Eh, isn't the sea surging in the distance? I galloped, to know the sea has always been my wish. The waves hit the sea again and again, sometimes majestic, sometimes soft. The waves on the water are rolling. With the passion, rapid and majestic waves, I couldn't help jumping disco in the sky. The stronger the waves, the faster I jump, the more rain.


Gradually the clouds dispersed and the rain became smaller and smaller. The air was so fresh that people put away their umbrellas and the animals ran out of the trees. I look up at the sky and think, next should be sister rainbow to take over


There is a rainbow on the other side of the sky, it condenses my sweat, it leaves the sky a gorgeous.


It's getting dark.


Month, a new moon, with indescribable shame hung on the dark blue sky. The sky, so far and so far, is decorated with stars, like jewels, like pearls, like agates, embellishing the bright and clean night. The moon is moist and the stars are full. Everything in the world has been immersed in the moonlight.


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