

发布时间:2020-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


This summer vacation, I spent a fun holiday, that is, I participated in a field training in Qinglongxia training camp. Speaking of the story in the training camp, it's really a lot of good things and bad things. I'd like to collect two strings of pearls to share with you.


One: Guard


Our military training is really hard. We don't even sleep well. We have to take turns to stand guard every day. This time it's our dormitory's turn to stand guard. I'm on the second shift. After the lights out, Qiu liming, who was on duty for the first shift, went out, but I didn't feel sleepy at all. I always thought about the situation when I stood guard for a while. I take out the game machine to relieve boredom. I feel sleepy after a while, but it's time for me to stand guard.


I put on my uniform and stood motionless on the sentry post. The night was so quiet that I was accompanied by a few cricket calls. When a gust of wind blows, there is a sound of "sand" in the grass. It seems that there is a snake hidden in it. It may come out and bite me at any time. It's creepy.


After standing for a while, my eyelids began to fight unconsciously. I tried to open my eyes, but there seemed to be a weight of lead on my eyelids, which could not be opened. My arm with the gun was sore, and I really wanted to throw it away. My legs and feet were numb, and I really wanted to sit on the ground and rest, even for a while.


Finally, I had to change my post. I limped back to the dormitory with a heavy body. I was unconscious as soon as I touched my head on the pillow.


Part two: farewell party


After just 10 days of training, we held a new farewell party. In the evening, we moved out of the dormitory and came to the open space to watch the performance.


The party began. The first project is the watermelon eating competition. All our team members came to the table and picked up a watermelon. "All in place, ready, go!" At the instructor's command, all the players can't wait to chew the watermelon, one by one, and soon everyone's mouth is full of watermelon. Qin Wei is half stuttered, and takes a watermelon in two bites. Some people simply put watermelon on their faces to eat, and some even use watermelon to "brush their teeth" on their mouths. One minute later, Qin Wei ate 12 and won the first prize. What's a gift from instructor Yu? Ha ha, it's a watermelon skin, which makes everyone laugh.


The next program is talent show. All of you are really versatile. You have performed a variety of programs. Liu Zheng, with a small paper fan made by himself, sang the Peking Opera Shajiabang; Shu Huan sang the English song Edelweiss; Chen Weijia had a cute little mouth and said a fast track. It's my turn right now. I've come to you in a hurry to comment on Zheng Chenggong's recovery of Taiwan.


Next, we played the game of robbing the bench, skipping the rope, pasting the pancakes and so on. Unconsciously, we played until 11 p.m.


Happiness is always fleeting, a short 10 days of training soon ended. I learned from it the hardships of military life and honed my will. These 10 days will be a wonderful memory of my life.


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