

发布时间:2020-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


When I think of the motherland where I live, my whole heart will float to the green mountain, the gorgeous flower and the clear stream Ah, my motherland. It's my attachment. My favorite place


In my motherland, you can see a mountain green forest, a flowing stream, an old house. People also live happily.


When I was a kid, I loved playing in the mountains. The mountain is so quiet and quiet that there is no sound at all. The sunlight is scattered through the cracks of the trees. It's like a jewel. There are a few melodious birds singing occasionally, which brings infinite vitality to the forest. It's so beautiful! My friends and I are always trying to catch the bird, but it didn't work out. One of my friends said that the bird is the soul of the mountain!


The water of the mountain is so clear and clear. A spring is clear and transparent. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. It can never flow out. The thirsty people drank it up one mouthful at a time, but it seeped out again. The water in the mountain is really sweet. Take a sip, taste it carefully, and it's sweet in your heart. Listen to grandma said: "even the little animals like to drink that water!" "The spring is the milk of the mountain," said my sister


The grass watered by the milk is green. The mountain is like a green carpet. The flowers of all kinds embroider the green carpet with colorful patterns. The slowly flowing stream is decorated with bright lace for the mountain. Wild flowers are also beautiful, shooting in the grass is like stars, like eyes, in the breeze also blink.


The children nurtured by Dashan's milk are witty and brave. I learned from the TV that Japanese devils invaded our homes. How did Dashan's children organize to fight against the Japanese invaders and introduce them into the story of total elimination in Dashan. After watching it, I was very excited and often thought: how brave our Chinese people are, unwilling to be slaves to the country, resolutely fighting against the enemy, not afraid of bloodshed. They are the pride of the Chinese people!


Ah, motherland! How much fun it gave me, how much reverie it aroused, and how much attachment it left me I love my motherland not only because of its beauty, but also because of its strong patriotic spirit.


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