

发布时间:2020-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Take off, Dragon


Do you remember that there is a song like this: there is a dragon in the Far East, its name is China.


China, a giant dragon in the east of the world, represents the long history and splendid culture of China. He has gone through the process of being bruised, slaughtered and drowsy. He has gone through the process of changing dynasties and waking up like a dream. He has gone through the process of independence, self-reliance and liberation. He has raised his head and started to take off. He has gone through the process of being disturbed and confused by the "left" ideological line on the way to take off. Every process cost him a lot. Finally, with his courage, wisdom and courage, he broke through the sky again and soared in the east of the world, attracting the world's attention


In 1895, after the failure of Sino Japanese War of 1895, China was forced to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki. Since then, imperialism has set up banks, forced loans, invested in railways, opened mines and factories, etc. to intensify economic aggression against China. In 1900, the G8 Allied war signed the xinchou treaty. By the end of the 19th century, the imperialist powers were fighting for the right to build railways more fiercely, even forcing the Qing government by force. The Qing government, which had planned to build railways by itself, was helpless in front of the powers, so it had to hand over the right to build railways to foreign countries. Because of the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, marked by the Treaty of Shimonoseki and the Treaty of xinchou, China has completely changed from feudalism to semi colonial and semi feudal society. This huge dragon has suffered humiliation, its territory has been divided up, its people have been burned, and all aspects of society are riddled with holes. From then on, he was depressed and drowsy. Little...


The combination of imperialism and Chinese feudalism turned China into a process of semi colonial and semi feudal attention, that is, the process of the Chinese people's resistance to imperialism and its running dogs. The heroic Chinese people have experienced more than seventy years of bloody process. In 1891, the peasant revolution of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom led by Hong Xiuquan, and the 1911 Revolution led by Sun Yat-sen severely hit the feudal autocratic rule, overthrew the Qing government, and established the Republic of China. This dragon woke up like a dream and felt the hope of the nation.


The victory of Russia's October Socialist Revolution shocked the dragon. As Mao Zedong said, "the October Revolution sent us Marxism Leninism with a bang." It indicates that the Chinese revolution will enter a new stage. In 1921, the Chinese workers' movement was combined with Marxism Leninism, and the Communist Party of China was born. Under the leadership of the great Communist Party of China, we have overthrown the three mountains that have long been pressing on the Chinese people, defeated our enemies and changed the face of China. On October 1, 1949, the five-star red flag was flying in the wind. Chairman Mao Zedong stood on the top of Tian'anmen city and solemnly announced to the world that the people's Republic of China was founded! The Central People's government has been established! The Chinese people have stood up since then!


The establishment of new China ushered in a new era of Chinese history, ended the history of a very small number of exploiters ruling the people and ended the history of imperialism and colonialism enslaving the people of all ethnic groups in China. This huge dragon, turning over and emancipating, holding its head high, independent and self reliant, stands bravely in the east of the world. We began to take off to the height of the first and second five-year plans for the national economy.


Dragon ah dragon, open your eyes, the wrong thinking and line of "left" is bothering you to take off and confusing you. The national economy is declining, stagnating, and even on the verge of collapse. You are wandering


In 1981, the wandering giant dragon sharpened his eyes, re identified his direction, took a scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts, put things in order, bravely corrected his mistakes, implemented the eight character policy of "adjustment, reform, rectification and improvement", carried on the past and opened up the future, and established a grand goal and Task Centered on economic construction, which indicated that the giant dragon would make rapid progress towards a new milestone.


Reform and opening up, building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the great red flag guides the way forward. Over the past three decades, we have unswervingly followed the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Great changes have taken place in all aspects of the motherland, creating a new situation of all-round economic, political, cultural and social development. Hong Kong has returned, Macao has returned, and a new special zone of "one country, two systems" has been formed. A number of economic and technological development zones, with flowers blooming, have opened all over China and attracted investment from all over the world. Especially this year, the world Davos Economic Forum was held in Binhai New Area of Tianjin. China has successfully held the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft successfully launched, and completed the first "space walk" of astronauts, showing a strong comprehensive national strength and technical strength. This year is the year with the most serious economic losses in China. The snow disaster in Guizhou and the earthquake in Wenchuan did not scare the Chinese people. In the face of natural disasters, we are united. Why? Because we are all descendents of the dragon and have a Chinese heart.


Take off, dragon! Fifty nine years of magnificent history, fifty-nine years of great changes, our great motherland has made remarkable achievements, it has laid a solid foundation for China's tomorrow


Take off, dragon! China's future is full of hope and the future of the great motherland is bright.


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