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发布时间:2020-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


A 5.12 earthquake shook the hearts of many patriots, a cruel encounter, let us feel the power of unity again. -- inscription


I'm proud of Grandpa Wen


An earthquake, a once-in-a-hundred-year-old earthquake, I saw from the TV screen: I saw the inclined house, the collapsed home, the huge rocks on the road I also saw the amiable Grandpa Wen, the touching Grandpa Wen, the tearful Grandpa Wen. He looked at the collapsed school and carried one of the children's shoes. He choked and said: "children, you should be strong, you can't cry..." But he himself shed tears again, and he said, "son, where are you? Come out quickly. I have your shoes in my hand. Here is your schoolbag, kid. Come out quickly... " But before he finished speaking, Grandpa Wen cried again


This is the premier of our country, a premier who regards people's life more important than anything. Grandpa Wen Jiabao, we are proud of you!


I am proud of the people's army


After the picture broadcast, I saw a piece of orange, just like the rising sun, full of hope orange. This is the color of the soldiers' clothes. They are just like this color, bringing hope to the people in the disaster area People's soldiers, they still have the nature of the revolutionary team: brave, selfless, and serve the people. It makes us respect and admire. Look at the beautiful jump of paratroopers on the plane, it looks so natural and unrestrained, but you know what? They all wrote a suicide note before jumping down Yes, time is life, disaster is command. It can't allow him to hesitate for a second when he is jumping. I am proud that we have such an invincible good soldier.


I am proud of China in 2008


I am proud of China in 2008 and the Chinese people in 2008. Earthquake, earthquake it broke Wenchuan, it broke Sichuan But he could not break the hearts of the people of Wenchuan, the strength of the people of Sichuan and the patriotism of the Chinese people.


I am proud of China in 2008, not only because of the Olympic Games, but also because of 5. I am proud of the unity and love embodied in Li 12. I love China. I'm proud, 2008!


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