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发布时间:2020-04-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Since I was a child, I have been very fond of reading books, such as education of love, Camellia girl and four famous books. Anyway, I want to read everything. My three big bookcases are full of me. Among them, I like reading ancient poems most, and "mountain trip" is my favorite one.


In autumn, the red leaves of the mountain are all over the branches, the fields and the hillsides. The maple trees have red leaves on their branches like a fire. The mountain road is winding and stretching to the distance. A few families can be seen vaguely on the mountain. They are standing there, and their families are smoking.


"Dangdang" there was a sound of horse's hoof in the distance. A moment later, I saw a carriage coming here. It was Du Mu, a famous poet, who was sitting in the carriage. Du Mu was attracted by the beautiful scenery. He got out of the car and saw the scene of vitality. He couldn't help but exclaim that it was so beautiful. Du Mu looks into the ecstasy, even to the state of selflessness. At this time, it seems that there is no time, no one, a single world. Finally, the poet couldn't help but write a poem: the stone path of the cold mountain was slanted far away, and there were people in the depths of the white clouds. Park in love maple forest, frost leaves red in February flowers.


Finally, he could not restrain his mood and walked into the maple forest excitedly. The poet was dressed in white clothes. The red maple matched with the white clothes. The beautiful red leaves were more beautiful than the colorful red flowers in February.


I like poetry, because poetry can let us have beautiful enjoyment.


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