

发布时间:2020-04-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


One sunny morning, I saw my father packing again. He took a handful of * * and water and food. It seems that dad is going to fight birds again. I looked at my father's every move, thought about it, and walked over with confidence.


"Dad, are you going to fight again?" I asked. "Yes." Dad agreed without raising his head. "Birds are our good friends, don't you know?" I continued to advise dad. "Friend? Birds can't talk. Even if some parrots and starlings can talk, they don't understand what they mean. " Dad said as he packed his things. "Have you heard of the story? There was a girl who fell into the swamp to save a red crowned crane "I'm not going to do that stupid thing." Dad packed his bag and walked out.


I quickly grabbed my father and said, "birds have been listed as endangered species, 12% of them are extinct, less than 3000 are beautiful oriental white cranes, 29% of parrots and 23% of pigeons are endangered. The number of 966 species is less than 10000, and the most dangerous 77 species is less than 50. There is a very lovely bird called the cardinal. Due to human illegal hunting, the number is less than 300. The orange parrot is regarded as the "Pearl of the eye" by the ancient Indians, but now it is extinct in the wild. There are less than 10 parrots raised by human beings. Father, put down the * * in your hand


Dad lowered his head, speechless. After a while, he looked up and said to me, "OK, I'll never fight again." Dad and I both laughed.


When I came back to the room, I saw a pair of beautiful birds falling outside the windowsill, flying towards the sunshine together


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