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发布时间:2020-04-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Last Wednesday morning, when we had a PE class, the teacher let us have free activities. My good friend and I were playing at the football gate in the middle of the playground. Suddenly, there was something not far away from me, but we were not sure what it was, so we went over and looked at it. When I came to that thing, I was shocked. It turned out to be a dead bird. We observed the bird and found that its mouth was open, its stomach was up and its wings were open. We have come to three conclusions: 1. Birds die because they can't find food. Birds are killed by hateful people with guns or slingshots. The bird froze to death because it was too cold. But the cause of death is not important. We just saw the bird and thought of those thousands of swallows, sparrows, magpies Most of the birds have nowhere to go, no food, no home, and starve and freeze to death. How pitiful those birds are! Some of them lost their lives in one shot without even knowing it.


Sometimes I think, those hunters are so angry. If he is the bird and death is in front of him, what will he do? He will lose his precious life in a flash. And if someone takes his mother or father away and takes his life, what should he do? He will hate the hunters, too. But why don't they think about the birds? They have lives as well as their own. They have fathers and mothers. If the hunters think about it well before they hit the birds, there won't be so many birds that lose their precious lives in one day.


Well, I'm sorry for those birds. I wish those birders could change their ways and protect them!


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