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发布时间:2020-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编


After learning the text "Wuta", I feel deeply. Uta is a girl about our age, but she can play many countries in Europe by herself.


From UTA, I can see that foreign children have a strong ability of independence. From this, I think of our Chinese children. Since childhood, they have always relied on their parents to do something slightly dangerous. Their parents are not at ease. They always protect us very well. Just because of this, we will develop a kind of psychology of relying on our parents. When we encounter something that we can't do, we will let our parents do it, so that we will have less chance to experience it personally. However, foreign parents are very reassured about their children. When they were young, they let them go out to play by themselves. When they encountered difficulties, they let them solve them by themselves. They are also very reassured that they let their children travel to foreign countries alone. Foreign parents will have certain requirements for their children to strive for victory by themselves, while Chinese parents always arrange us very carefully.


Why do parents and people who love us have different results? I think: our education method in China should be changed. Although we can't grow freely, we can learn from UTA's independent ability and do our own things.


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