Embed Video The medics working at Wuhan Taikang Hospital were very happy about the services they received from local volunteer barbers.
Long hair makes it inconvenient for the medics who have to wear heavy protection gear and may cause more exposure to the virus.
Some local barbers volunteered to provide help at the hospital although their beauty salon is still closed because of the lockdown of the city.
They feel that is the part they are able to contribute to their beloved home city.
日前,武汉的理发师们组成志愿服务队,来到武汉泰康医院,为医护人员解决了“烦恼丝”问题。疫情期间,广大一线人员无暇也没条件理发,每天穿着厚厚的防护服进行高强度工作很不方便,也加大了感染风险。托尼老师们的到来,让他们又可以清清爽爽、继续战斗!“别的事情我们也做不了,理发我们还是擅长的,” 可爱又朴实的他们,正在用自己的方式做着努力,一切都会好起来!
上一篇: 英雄新传:武汉男孩给警察妈妈的礼物