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A doughnut shop in Rochester, New York, made Dr Anthony Fauci the "face" of one of its doughnuts. And now, it's fielding purchase orders from across the country. Donuts Delite said it came up with the idea for a simple reason.
纽约州罗彻斯特市的Donuts Delite甜甜圈店最近推出了一款以安东尼·福奇博士为主题的甜甜圈,现在来自全国的订单蜂拥而至。Donuts Delite表示,这个创意背后的理由非常简单。
"We noticed Dr Fauci on television, and we loved his message and how thorough he was, and how he kept everyone informed during the crisis," said owner Nick Semeraro. "So we wanted to give back and say, thanks."
Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He has won public praise for his calm, stick-to-the-facts approach at a time when developments in the coronavirus pandemic are chaotic and constant.
For its doughnut, the shop printed Fauci's face on edible paper and placed it atop a buttercream-frosted doughnut.
So many New Zealanders have reported their neighbors to the authorities for breaking lockdown rules that a new police website to record such incidents crashed.
More than 2,000 people rang an emergency police line last week to report rule-breakers.
As a result, a dedicated website was set up in the hope it would dissuade them from ringing 111.
Police commissioner Mike Bush said the "vast majority" of New Zealanders were complying with lockdown rules, and were "passionate and determined" to make others toe the line as well.
However, there remains confusion and debate as to what activities are permitted under lockdown, with some people under the impression that they cannot leave their homes under any circumstances, while others are continuing to walk, surf, run and play golf.
John Ombler, who is co-ordinating the government's response to the crisis, said some outdoor activity was permitted.
"You can leave the house for physical exercise by yourself or with other members of your household; stick to your bubble," Ombler said. "By all means, go for a short walk or run in your neighborhood."
Videos on YouTube will now default to standard definition for all users worldwide, a step down from the typical high definition that users normally see.
The move is aimed at easing the burden on internet infrastructure as lockdowns and other emergency policies have kept millions at home.
The global change, which was announced and began rolling out on Tuesday, is expected to last for approximately 30 days as millions of people around the globe stay home amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Due to more people working and studying from home, the internet's underlying infrastructure is expected to face "an enormous stress test," industry analysts said.
Even some of the biggest tech platforms are now grappling with a greater challenge in keeping their services up and running amid surging demand.
It's not just people that are social distancing. Brands are doing it too.
McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Audi and Volkswagen are just a few of the corporate conglomerates that are interpreting "social distancing" with logo redesigns.
The term has become popular recently because of the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Social distancing means standing 6 feet apart from others in an effort to lower the risk of contracting the illness.
The messages and logos created to promote social distancing have pros and cons, according to two experts in the design field.
"Our current global situation is no joke. It's a serious matter," Douglas Sellers, executive creative director for firm Siegel+Gale said.
"And brands designing social distancing logos have the potential to diminish the severity of what we are going through. The creativity, passion, and thought that goes into wanting to help, educate, and be part of the physical distancing movement is a worthy note," Sellers said.
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