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发布时间:2013-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The Coastline of Tears

by Belle Wang








Angela’s diary

Summary: Two lovers are dead, but they still can not give up each other. The sad, haunted, romantic story of love will begin at the beautiful coastline of tears….

Scene I

I usually see a boy at the coastline sitting by the beach whether it’s a sunny or rainy day….

Angela: I’m wondering who you are waiting for, because you are always here.

Brook: I’m waiting for a girl! She went away by the boat, and it takes a long time for here to return.

Angela: Who is she?

Brook: Her face is fading out in my heart gradually. Now, the only thing I can remember is that I used to be attached to her.

Angela: Then, who are you?

Brook: I have no idea. All I know is that “I’m waiting-man.”

Angela: It’s time to go. You’d better leave here. It’s freezing tonight.

Diary: Feb. 17th, it’s the first time I had a talk with him and he said he was waiting for someone.

Scene II

Charlotte: You met a boy at the beach, right?

Angela: A boy at the beach?

Charlotte: That’s it! Tell him to stop waiting! I won’t be awaited by him.

Angela: YOU are the girl he’s waiting for?

Charlotte: He has been there for a long time! I don’t wanna see him keep on waiting.

Angela: Do you?

Charlotte: Could you promise me that you could be with him till he forgets me?

Angela: How come?

Charlotte: I don’t wanna to be with him, and don’t tell him that you’ve met me, please….

Angela: Surprise!

Brook: Hi!

Angela: Hey! It seems like you’re waiting for her still, huh?

Brook: Yup!

Angela: What does the girl look like?

Brook: (Describing Charlotte’s appearance)

Angela: How long have you stay here?

Brook: Long long time! It’s just like a whole lifetime.

Angela: Really?

Brook: It’s getting dark. You should head back home.

Diary: Feb. 18th, I have gone back to that beach for several more times; as always, he stayed at the same place gazing at the scene. Sometimes, I have a feeling that he’s melting into that scene just like disappearing. I didn’t tell him that I’ve met her. And, he keeps waiting at that beach.

Scene III

Angela: What’s her name?

Brook: Her name is Charlotte.

Angela: How about you?

Brook: My name is Brook.

Brook: In this ocean, the names that belong to us seem so minuscule. There’re no words in the ocean, there’s no sounds in the ocean.

Angela: But, how do both of you get an idea about each other without words and sounds?

Brook: There is no way to do it. All I can do is waiting, waiting, and waiting; but in the end, I forget what the WAITING is for.

Angela: Don’t you feel lonely?

Brook: Perhaps I’ll forget what the loneliness is, I guess.

Diary: Feb. 25th. Winter’s coming to an end, but spring has not yet to arrive. Everything is filled with coldness.

Charlotte: How’s the boy?

Angela: He is still waiting for you.

He told me lots about you. You’re together, right? Why do you keep away from him?

Charlotte: Um… It’s long time ago.

Angela: I’m confused. You do care about him, right? Why do you want me to be with him? What if I tell him that you’re here and that both of you can start anew?

Charlotte: Impossible.

Angela: What’s wrong?

Charlotte: I died from a wreck 3 years age.

Angela: Wreck? You…you died?

Charlotte: The girl who’s speaking to you is my spirit. I don’t wanna be with him at all. I have stayed at this beach for several years, waiting for someone who can help us. Please, let him forget me. Be with him, Angela! I don’t wanna be with him anymore.

Angela: I….

Charlotte: He’s approaching. I’m gotta leave.

Brook: Are you ok? You seem so weak.

Angela: Nothing.

Charlotte: I hope so.

Angela: How long will you stay here?

Brook: I have no idea. But staying here and waiting in the meaning of my life.

Angela: What if you won’t see her again in the rest of your lifetime?

Diary: Feb. 29th, after that day, I have not met him at the beach. He did fade away from that scene. And, my wondering’s fading away with his disappearance.

Scene IV

Angela: Do you insist on refusing to see him?

Charlotte: It’s meaningless. ‘Coz I died.

Angela: Will you be able to bear the thought of him being with someone? I guess you can’t.

Charlotte: It’s unreasonable for a person who loves him. But all I can do is making a wish that he can hold on to the happiness that comes his way.

Angela: Really? There’s no other way?

Charlotte: Unless there’s someone who can exchange the body with me, so I could have the brand-new life and go back to him. But, there’s no one. By the way, I could kill him so that he’ll be with me forever. No, I won’t do that.

Diary: Mar. 2nd, I see the wave slapping against the rocks, here and there, spreading out. The rocks get hurt and have so many scars. The wave changes into the white foams. The wave can do nothing but come and go. The rocks can do nothing but stay. Finally, both of them are innocent but cruel, do harm to each other.

Angela: You haven’t been here for several days.

Brook: Yeah.

Angela: Will you keep on waiting?

Brook: Sure.

Angela: Oh.

Brook: She’s like meteor pumping to my heart. It hurts deeply. Guess what? I’m not only waiting for her, also, I wanna complete a part of my life. I was late for saying goodbye to her. I wanna say sorry to you.

Angela: It’s okay. I got your point.

Brook: Sorry.

Angela: Don’t do that. Oh, I’m going somewhere far from here. Maybe I’ll never see you again.

Brook: Leaving here may be good for you. Don’t wait. Waiting is a knot of mind.

Angela: I see. I won’t do that.

Brook: Good luck, bye.

Angela: You, too. Oops! She’ll come back, I guess. Good luck to you!

Brook: Really? Thanks.

Scene V

Angela: Charlotte, can you take away my body?

Charlotte: You?

Angela: No one can take your place in B’s heart, therefore, take my life! I wish you happy.

Charlotte: Are you sure? Why are you willing to make this sacrifice?

Angela: You told me the answer before, right?

Charlotte: When?

Angela: I will do anything for his happiness. You told me that.

Charlotte: Yeah. I did say that before. Now you’ve understand me completely. Close your eyes and thank you for your support.

Angela: No! I should thank you instead, because my spirit will be around B forever.

Charlotte: A, I thank you with all my heart.

Brook: Charlotte? It’s you! Charlotte?

Charlotte: B! Listen to me, first! I died from a wreck 3 years age. My life is given by A.

Brook: A? Why?

Charlotte: Do you know that she loves you more than anything that materialistic world can offer? Because of you, she gave her life to me.

Brook: She is so silly. Ch
arlotte! Do you know that I died a few years ago?

Charlotte: You were dead?

Brook: I thought after dying I could find you passing the ocean or the sea, but now I am trapped here. Now that I’ve seen you; I’m very pleased. I think it’s time for me to leave now without any regrets.

Charlotte: Faith is such a laughable thing. We are meant to be separated, no matter living or death.

Brook: Do you want to leave with me?

Charlotte: I’m here with A’s spirit to see you and now our mission is accomplished! You can go now! I will continue missing you on the beach. It’s our unspoken consensus, isn’t it?

Brook: I didn’t have the chance to tell you all these until now. C, good bye and take care.

Charlotte: I will! Bye!

Diary: On March 20th, B finally disappears within the ocean. I know this is the last time I will be able to see him. Sadness will fade away with time. You can feel it, but not see it.

MEN: I often see you around here. Are you waiting for someone?

Angela & Charlotte: I don’t need anymore.

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