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发布时间:2020-02-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Quit Buying Coronavirus Masks You Don't Need


When a disease outbreak is ongoing, there are important things that uninfected people need to know and do, like washing hands. There are also things not to do, because they are mostly useless and actually interfere with people who need them. For most of us, face masks fall into the second category.


As we discussed earlier, surgical masks can help you stop spreading your germs to someone else, but they're of limited usefulness in protecting you from coronavirus in the outside world. Respirator masks are a bit more effective, but unless you're in a hospital or in a high risk area (like Wuhan) they're overkill.


So what’s the harm? If supplies were unlimited, there wouldn't be any. But there are only so many face masks manufactured every year, and a lot of them are actually made in China. As Maryn McKenna writes here, China is choosing not to export as many of their masks and other personal protective equipment, because they need them at home.

有什么害处呢?若物资充足,并不存在害处。但每年生产的口罩只有那么多,且大多数口罩都在中国生产。正如玛丽恩·麦肯纳(Maryn McKenna)所写的那样,中国目前正减少向其他国家出口口罩和其它个人防护设备,因为中国国内更需要这些物资。

At a press briefing today, the World Health Organization's director-general noted that demand is up 100-fold for masks and related supplies, and prices are now up to 20 times higher than usual. Some of that is to be expected in an epidemic situation, but then he adds: "This situation has been exacerbated by widespread inappropriate use of [personal protective equipment such as masks]."


The WHO is working to get supplies to the places that need them most, but stockpiles are already low. This is a real issue that has the power to affect the ability of clinicians to properly care for patients and prevent the virus's spread in hospitals.


What you can do


Don't buy masks out of fear—Either fear of coronavirus, or fear that stockpiles will soon be gone. Buying masks you don't need is just making life harder for doctors, and for people with medical needs like your neighbor with asthma and a dust allergy who wears a respirator when she cleans her house.


If you're concerned about catching coronavirus, it may help you to read up on the facts. There are only 12 cases of the virus in the US right now, according to the Johns Hopkins tracker; you're far more likely to contract the flu than coronavirus.

如果您担心自己感染新型冠状病毒,我们在此帮您梳理下事实。约翰·霍普金斯(Johns Hopkins)大学追踪的数据表示,目前在美国只有12人确诊。相比感染新型冠状病毒,你更有可能感染流感。


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