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The Mother Janet

发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

When Janet was a child, she had many interests. She lived on a farm where her father owned 90 milk cows. One day her father bought Janet a horse. She named it Dulcy which means “sweet one”。 After school, she would run home and ride her horse, but first she always had to practice her piano lesson. When Janet was in elementary school, she liked to sing. Soon she was singing and playing the piano at the same time. She liked it so much she decided to become a teacher so she could help children to sing. When she was in middle school, a man asked her if she would like to play in the church orchestra. Since she was very tall, he suggested she play the string bass. This is the largest string instrument which must be played standing or sitting on a high stool. She was quite excited to learn to play the string bass. Janet always liked the sound of the orchestras she would hear on the radio, television, tapes, and CD's (compact discs)。

In high school, she would play the piano for the singing class called the high school choir. But sometimes, another student would play the piano so Janet could also sing. She played string bass in the high school orchestra and she became so good at playing that she was chosen to play in a state orchestra and even a national orchestra. When she went to college, she continued her lessons in singing, string bass, and piano. There were many lessons. But, becoming a music teacher was her goal. Upon graduation, she received a license to teach and she has taught in the states of Indiana, Washington, and Oregon, Every day she teaches children and she plays the piano as she sings, the same as she did in her home when she was in elementary school. She plays the string bass in the city orchestra which is directed by her husband, Dennis. Her life is filled with the sounds of music and she is a very happy teacher. She has reached her goal of becoming a music teacher.

Comprehension Check 10.When did Janet start to learn piano playing?

A. When she was in elementary school. B. When she was in middle school. C. When she was in high school. D. When she was in college.

11.What is required of the player to play the string bass?

A. He is required to play it standing. B. He is required to play it sitting on a high stool. C. Both A and B. D. Either A or B.

12.When did Janet receive a license to teach music?

A. When she was a member in the church orchestra. B. As soon as she graduated from college. C. When she was in college. D. When she was in the city orchestra playing the string bass.

Words and Phrases elementary a.初等的,基本的string n.细绳;弦bass n.低音乐器;低音部;男低音stool n.凳子compact a.细密的,紧密的disc(=disk) n.圆盘compact disc= CD goal n.目标;终点license n.执照,许可证


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