If you’re feeling exhausted and overworked, you’re not alone. According to a new study reported on BMJ Journals’ website, job burnout’s on the rise: 97 percent of participants reported non-restorative sleep and 23 percent indicated high levels of job strain.
Well, the more you start incorporating slight changes on a daily basis, the easier it will be to follow through with implementing them the night before a big job interview or presentation at the office.
It’s never too late to change your habits to reduce burn out and become more mindful and restful – your health and your employer will thank you for it.
1. Charge your phone outside your bedroom.
1. 不在卧室给手机充电。
“It’s a portal to every distraction in your life,” says Arianna Huffington, author of The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life One Night at a Time, CEO of Thrive Global, co-founder and former editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post, at a recent New York Women in Communications’ event. If you have insomnia, roll over, don’t be tempted to check messages (and whatever you do, definitely don’t answer them and hit send!)
“这是带来生活干扰的源头,”Arianna Huffington在最近一场纽约女性交流活动中说道。Arianna是《睡眠革命:改变生活从每晚开始》的作者,Thrive Global公司的行政总裁,也是《赫芬顿邮报》网站的创始人之一以及前主编。如果你失眠,辗转反侧,不要试图查看信息(并且不管你做什么,绝对不要回复和发送信息!)
2. Only read books in bed.
As in real ones. “They shouldn’t have screens,” Huffington points out. Plus, they shouldn’t be work-related. As you wind down from a busy day, much like children create a transition with a bath and then a bed time story, you too should create a ritual to unwind and commit to reading books with old school, you know, pages.
3. Start the day with a clear head.
3. 带着清晰的头脑开始新的一天。
On the flip side, when each morning begins a new day, start it with a clean slate. During a recent trip to Quebec City, at Le Monastère des Augustines, a hotel and wellness spa, there was something unfamiliar and downright refreshing about eating breakfast in its restaurant full of local, organic, nourishing food. That is, pure silence. Although a few couples looked uneasy, clearly attempting to communicate with one another via eye contact, overall there was something pretty spectacular about this ritual when I kept it simple by thinking about the day ahead, methodically and un-rushed, ensconced in silence.
另一方面,早晨寓意着新的一天到来,那么每天清零再来吧。在最近一次前往魁北克市的出差,我在Le Monastère des Augustines暂住,这是一家酒店和运动健康水疗中心。在那里充满当地风味、有机营养食品的饭店享用早餐,我感到有某种的异域风情和彻底的新鲜感。那就是,纯粹的宁静。尽管有些夫妻看起来不太轻松,显然尝试与伴侣以眼神交流的方式沟通,不过总的来说这种早餐仪式带着某种异常惊人的效果,我把它简化为思考一天的流程,有条理地,不疾不徐,在安静中安排一切。
4. Do yoga or meditate.
4. 做瑜伽或冥想。
Another way to clear your head and reduce burnout? Stretch. During that quick getaway trip from New York City, I managed to get out of bed by 7 a.m. on a holiday to participate in one of the hotel’s movement and wellness activities. Doing light stretches among a bilingual instructed class meant I could happily zone out at that hour. Being in touch with the physical somehow makes room for mental space, thoughts, brainstorms and overall rebooting. The same holds true midday if you need to clear your head. Instead of grabbing a Snickers bar, go for a walk instead. That’s the key – being mindful before it reaches the point of an overt frazzled state when you need to abruptly exert energy by strutting away with gusto, rather than calm, peace and serenity. There’s more power in the latter, technically.
5. Schedule monthly mental health days (and truly log off!).
5. 安排每月心理健康日(完全远离工作!)
As much as we like to think we’re indispensable, really we’re not. Your company will not implode during your eight or 10-hour absence (or more — yes you need to take vacations! Then, there’s the money factor, too. According to Project: Time Off, last year Americans wasted over $658 million vacation days!
Be diligent about taking at least one day out of the month for you. Ideally it would occur during the week but even if it’s on a weekend, take one day and go to a nearby park and read a book, take a nap, unplug.
Chances are, not only will you feel more relaxed as a result, when you return to work the next business day, you’ll feel more refreshed, engaged and creative. Hopefully your employer espouses wellness as part of their company culture as well – if not, you know what to do – find one that does.
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