Wonder Woman has already broken the glass ceiling in more ways than one.
It's estimated the princess of Themyscira will rake in $101.4million for the opening weekend, making it one of the biggest openings for a superhero origin movie.
The film is also the highest-grossing ever for a female director. Patty Jenkins surpassed the previous record of $85.1million for Sam Taylor-Johnson’s Fifty Shades of Grey in February 2016. It would be a huge achievement for Patty Jenkins and the first comic film with a female lead in years.
Early tracking had the DC Comics movie taking in $65million in its opening weekend.
But with positive reviews from critics and word of mouth, estimates grew to $70million and eventually $90million a few days before its opening on June 1 in the UK and June 2 in the US.
Although movies like Man of Steel and Spider-Man grossed more, Wonder Woman easily surpassed the opening weekend for the first Iron Man, which took in $98.6million.
Currently, Wonder Woman has the sixth-best domestic opening at the June box office and second-best for Warner Brothers and DC after Man of Steel.
According to the survey, more women than men have flocked to see the movie, with 53 percent of audiences made up of females.
Wonder Woman‘s A on CinemaScore and 93 percent Certified fresh Rotten Tomatoes indicates a long-coming rebound for DC after the poor reviews for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad.
《神奇女侠》在电影评分网(CinemaScore,美国影评网站)上的评分为A,在烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes,美国影评网站)上的评分为93分,这表明在经历了《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》和《自杀小队》的恶评之后,DC漫画公司等到了姗姗来迟的的复兴。
上一篇: 14岁女孩发明液体绷带,可部分替代抗生素
下一篇: 变形金刚续集《大黄蜂》有重量级导演加入
Chinwag 闲谈-英语点津
Restrain 和 constrain 的区别
Almost, nearly, more or less “差不多”的三个近义词
Accountability, liability and responsibility 的区别
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Distinguished 和 distinguishable 之间的区别
Distinct 和 distinctive 之间的区别
Practical and pragmatic “实用的”两个词的区别
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Shade or shadow? “阴”和“影”的区别
Labour, labourer, workforce, worker 与“工作”相关的四个单词
Simple, innocent, naive, pure 四个近义词的区别
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Clash 和 crash 之间的区别
Teenager, adolescent, kid and child 英语中“孩子”的几种说法
Appreciate 和 recognise 之间的区别
Drought in Ethiopia and MS treatment 埃塞俄比亚干旱,多发性硬化治疗手段新进展
Connection and link 两个表示“关系”的单词
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Parcel, sack, box 包裹类词语
Delhi's pollution and South Africa's solar power 新德里环境污染,南非发展太阳能
US-Cuba flights and male cosmetic surgery 美国-古巴复航和男性整容手术
Greetings after a short break 小别后的问候
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Revise and review 的区别
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Ten a penny 多得遍地都是