当时的梅相以为凭借保守党的高支持率,趁热打铁,在大选中大获全胜一定没有问题。可是,从投票结束时的出口民调,到逐个公布的选举结果来看,保守党想要得到326票的多数席位已无可能,英国将再次迎来“悬浮议会”(Hung Parliament)。
When no single party can get enough MPs to form a majority on its own in a general election, parliament is said to be "hung". This happened at the 2010 election. The leader of the party with the most seats is given the opportunity to try to form a government. This can take two forms: a formal coalition with other parties or a more informal arrangement, known as “confidence and supply”, in which the smaller parties agree to support the main legislation.
The UK looks set to have a hung parliament with the Conservatives as the largest party, with most general election results now in.
It means Theresa May faces the humiliation of ending with fewer seats than when she called the election.
The Tories are projected to get 318 seats, Labour 261 and the SNP 35.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn called on Mrs May to resign - but she said the country needed stability and her party would "ensure" it was maintained.
Labour looks set to make 29 gains with the Tories losing 13 seats - and the SNP down by 22 seats in a bad night for Nicola Sturgeon, with her party losing seats to the Tories, Labour and Lib Dems.
UKIP's vote slumped dramatically but rather than moving en masse to the Tories, as they had expected, their voters also switched to Labour.
Mr Corbyn, speaking after being re-elected in Islington North, said it was time for Mrs May to "make way" for a government that would be "truly representative of the people of this country".
He said he was "very proud" of the results so far, which he said were a "vote for hope for the future" and said people were "turning their backs on austerity".
The Conservatives have said that in the event of a hung Parliament, Mrs May would get the opportunity to form a government first.
Speaking at her count in Maidenhead, Theresa May said the full picture had yet to emerge, but added: "At this time more than anything else, this country needs a period of stability.
"And if, as the indications have shown and if this is correct that the Conservative Party has won the most seats and probably the most votes, then it will be incumbent on us to ensure we have that period of stability - and that is exactly what we will do."
Speaking on ITV, George Osborne, who was sacked as chancellor last year by Mrs May, said: "Theresa May is probably going to be one of the shortest serving prime ministers in our history."
He added: "Hard Brexit went in the rubbish bin tonight."
DUP MP Simon Hamilton said his party's votes were going to be "incredibly important" in the new Parliament and they would push to get "a good deal for Northern Ireland as we leave the European Union".
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