You hate the sound of him chewing and are a little bummed he still doesn't know your favorite flower (peonies!), but are those deal breakers or just signs of being with someone for a bajillion years? According to Marina Voron, licensed marriage and family therapist, relationship red flags have less to do with actual behavior and more to do with the feelings and intentions behind them. Here, Voron shares reasons it may be time to cue Adele and call it quits.
1. There is a decline in intimacy.
1. 你们越来越不亲密。
It's normal to be hot and heavy in the beginning - every long-term relationship will have its ups and downs in the bedroom. I'm talking about going three months without s** or consistently facing rejection when you initiate. It could also be a decline in the quality of s**. For example, it feels mechanical, like neither one of you is really present, and not just because you can't stop thinking about a work or personal problem. This is happening every time.
2. Your relationship is lacking fun.
2. 你们的感情缺少乐趣。
The healthiest relationships are brimming with positivity and lightheartedness. After all, playfulness helps you to de-stress, connect, and turn to each other in times of need. You should be able to turn off the world and just enjoy yourself when you're together. If you start to feel anxious or stressed when you're with your partner, you might be treading into problem territory.
3. Your S.O. becomes disrespectful.
3. 你的另一半变得不尊重人了。
When you start being spiteful, critical, or belittling of one another, it's no bueno. Contempt is the no. 1 predictor of relationship combustion, Voron says, and it's something that couples may not notice if it happens gradually over time. Look for mean-spirited sarcasm - that's a huge red flag.
4. You or your partner pays more attention to your phone than to each other.
4. 你或你的另一半对手机的注意力比对彼此的还多。
You'd be amazed by the number of couples who sit across from Voron in therapy and get right on their phones, she says. When you're together, be together. If your partner is always on the phone, that's a sign of rejection, and it can hurt.
上一篇: 这些食物会使你的心脏承载太多的负重
下一篇: 你的丈夫真的讨厌你做这些事
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