Dealing with exam stress 应对并克服考试压力的方法-查字典英语网
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Dealing with exam stress 应对并克服考试压力的方法

发布时间:2019-11-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

随身英语 Dealing with exam stress 应对并克服考试压力的方法


课文内容 Vocabulary: exam stress 词汇:考试压力 How do you feel about exams? Is it the one thing you dread or an experience you relish because it's your time to shine? Every year, many young people sit exams and whether they love or loathe them, most of them will face some anxiety in the lead up to the big day.

If you're anxious about your exams, don't worry, you're not alone. It might seem like a stressful time when the pressure is on to pass that all-important test but take a deep breath and absorb some good advice from people who've been through the same experience as you.

Eating the right food can feed your brain and keep you alert. Nutritional therapist Kerry Torrens recommends making breakfast the most important meal of the day. She recommends eating energy-giving oats and eggs, which contain a nutrient called choline - thought to help cognitive performance and improve memory as we age. And don't forget to drink lots of water to keep you hydrated – some research even suggests students who take water into the exam hall may even improve their grades.

One thing I know I always need is a good night's sleep to help me work and think better the next day and that's what's recommended for anyone preparing for their exams. If you get good sleep your memory is better and that means you can retain the information you have revised. And it's good to wind down before bedtime too – no watching TV or chatting on social media!

A good way to reduce your stress is to write down your anxieties. This is something that Lisa Artis from the Sleep Council recommends because it can 'free your mind'. She also says sitting on your bed when you're cramming is not a good idea because then you associate that place with stress. Revising for exams can also sometimes seem relentless, so it's good to take breaks and reward yourself will a small treat, like a cake or a quick run around the block. There comes a point when your brain can't absorb any more information so you'll also need to know when to stop.

But if all this talk about revising and exams is still stressing you out, be assured that there are some people who will always be more on edge than you: your parents! They're there to support you but they'll be biting their fingernails, worrying about you and the final results. So maybe you need to give them some advice – chill, everything will be ok!

词汇表 dread 感到害怕

relish 享受

sit 参加(考试)

loathe 憎恨

anxiety 焦虑,不安

the pressure is on 顶着巨大的压力,面对压力

absorb 吸收(信息、知识等)

nutrient 营养物质

cognitive performance 认知功能、认知表现

retain 记住

wind down 放松下来

cram (尤指考前)死记硬背、抱佛脚

relentless 没完没了的

stress you out 使…倍感压力,令…紧张不已

on edge 烦躁的

chill 别紧张,放松点

测验与练习 1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. According to Nutritional therapist Kerry Torrens, what is the most important meal of the day?

2. According to the article, how does getting good sleep help you? 

3. True or false: Revising on your bed can actually make you feel less stressed.

4.Who do you sometimes need to tell to 'chill out' and stop worrying?

5. What does the author mean when he says "There comes a point when your brain cannot absorb any more information"?

2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. Love it or ______ it, the city of Milton Keynes has successfully attracted families and businesses and is used as a model for new towns across the world.

dread       relish       loathe       relentless

2. The young actors felt a lot of ______ before they went on stage for the first time.

anxious       anxiety       anxiously       relish             

3. The rain was ______, so we decided to pack up and go home.

absorbing       relentless       wind down       dread

4. Everyone seems to be ______ because the exam results come out tomorrow.

on an edge       edged on       on edge       edging on

5. ______ all your recommended weekly exercise into one or two weekend sessions is enough to produce important health benefits, a study suggests.

Cramming       Absorbing       Relishing       Stressing

答案 1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. According to Nutritional therapist Kerry Torrens, what is the most important meal of the day?

Nutritional therapist Kerry Torrens recommends making breakfast the most important meal of the day.

2. According to the article, how does getting good sleep help you?

If you get good sleep your memory is better and that means you can retain the information you have revised.

3. True or false: Revising on your bed can actually make you feel less stressed.

False. Sitting on your bed when you're cramming is not a good idea because then you associate that place with stress.

4.Who do you sometimes need to tell to 'chill out' and stop worrying?

Your parents.

5. What does the author mean when he says "There comes a point when your brain cannot absorb any more information"?

You have done plenty of revision and it has become hard to remember any more information.

2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处 。

1. Love it or loathe it, the city of Milton Keynes has successfully attracted families and businesses and is used as a model for new towns across the world.

2. The young actors felt a lot of anxiety before they went on stage for the first time.

3. The rain was relentless , so we decided to pack up and go home.

4. Everyone seems to be on edge because the exam results come out tomorrow.

5. Cramming all your recommended weekly exercise into one or two weekend sessions is enough to produce important health benefits, a study suggests.


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