Better batteries, car ban 研究者尝试给电池“减重增容”,英国将禁止销售汽油和柴油车-查字典英语网
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Better batteries, car ban 研究者尝试给电池“减重增容”,英国将禁止销售汽油和柴油车

发布时间:2019-11-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Better batteries, car ban 研究者尝试给电池“减重增容”,英国将禁止销售汽油和柴油车

本集内容 Power boost for batteries 英国研究者尝试减轻电池重量并增加电容量

End of the road for petrol and diesel cars 燃烧汽油或柴油机的车辆将退出历史舞台

From obvious things like our phones, to London's new whispering black cab, to this experimental aircraft – battery power is taking off around the world. The problem is they still run out too quickly, so today the government's promised to invest millions improving the technology. Right now, Britain is a front-runner with battery research, like here at Warwick University where they're trying to solve the two biggest issues: making batteries weigh less and last longer. 


We’ve come a long way in terms of design, but for a hundred years we’ve been relying on vehicles with an internal combustion engine burning petrol or diesel. Several major car makers have already announced ambitious plans for electric cars, seen as a key way of tackling air pollution. And now the government is signalling the end of petrol and diesel engines in the UK with a ban on sales by 2040.


词汇 front-runner




internal combustion engine


练习 请从以下词汇中选择适当的答案来完成句子。注意:你可能需要改变单词的时态来完成句子。

front-runner / vehicles / internal combustion engine

1. Environmental groups say it's time to get rid of all ______ for the benefit of health and quality of life.

2. A bathroom suite on wheels and a motorised garden shed are among the wacky ______ on show at a new exhibition at the National Motor Museum.

3. With all her skills and experience, she is clearly the ______ for the promotion.

答案 1. Environmental groups say it's time to get rid of all internal combustion engines for the benefit of health and quality of life.

2. A bathroom suite on wheels and a motorised garden shed are among the wacky vehicles on show at a new exhibition at the National Motor Museum.

3. With all her skills and experience, she is clearly the front-runner for the promotion.


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