女孩患罕见“蓬发综合征” 发型狂放不羁 酷似爱因斯坦-查字典英语网
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女孩患罕见“蓬发综合征” 发型狂放不羁 酷似爱因斯坦

发布时间:2019-11-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Meet an adorable girl, with an extremely rare condition that makes her hair as wild as Albert Einstein .


Shilah Calvert-Yin's incredible bouffant 'do' is caused by a condition known as Uncombable Hair Syndrome - which is believed to impact just 100 people around the world.


Despite being compared to the famous physicist and getting a lot of attention from people in the street, Shilah, seven, said she loves her unique hair because "it's not boring like everyone else's."


In the past she has been compared to Doc Brown from Back To The Future , but Shilah doesn't mind, as it is one of her family's favourite movies.


Shilah, from Melbourne, Australia said: "It's not ordinary and it's not boring like everyone else's.


"Everyone knows me and remembers me - especially at school. All the grade levels know who I am.


"I think my friends wish they had hair like mine."


The family had no idea about Shilah's condition until about nine months ago, when a doctor informed them of UHS.


When explaining to others, Celeste said, people usually think it's a joke, or are completely intrigued by the condition and end up googling it.


The syndrome is caused by a mutation to one of three genes - PADI3, TGM3 and TCHH - and though there is no cure, it is believed to become more manageable with age.

PADI3、TGM3 和TCHH这3种基因中任何1种产生突变,就会导致这种症状。尽管现在没有治愈的方法,但是随着年龄的增长,头发将会变得可控。

In order to show off her fine hair, Shilah and her family also created an Instagram account, so that others could also learn from how the condition changes with age.


The youngster has also tried her hand at modelling - something her family hope will show the positive side of embracing such a condition.


Celeste said: "Shilah draws attention everywhere she goes and always has since her hair grew through at about three months old.


"Her older brother, Taelan, has been a fantastic support when other children make comments towards her or even touch her.


"Having said that, adults can be just as juvenile and say some of the most random things or take photos of her and even touch her hair.


"Shilah is used to all the attention and has begun to manipulate and work situations in her favor.


"Hence why we decided that modelling will embrace her unique look and she has the personality and attitude to pull it off."



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