Echo chamber 回声室效应
内容简介 录音间里有回音,不论 Neil 和菲菲说什么,他们都会听到回环往复的声音。这个有趣的现象正好可以用来描述现代社会中社交媒体平台上普遍存在的一种现象。听节目,学习“回声室效应 echo chamber”的旧词新意。
Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm Neil Neil Neil Neil Neil.
And I'm . 发生什么事情了了了了?我为什么能听到自己的回声声声声?It sounds like we're in an echo chamber chamber chamber chamber.
And that, , is our expression in this Authentic Real English. Now, if you say something in an echo chamber, what happens?
You hear the same thing back again again again.
Exactly. An echo chamber is a room designed to create an echo – usually as an effect in an audio recording or a film. But it has a modern use which describes a situation where people only hear, see or read opinions they agree with.
I see. Just like an echo, they only hear the same thing they've just said. 表达“echo chamber”原本指的是“录音时为制造回声效果而建立的回音室”。但现在,我们多用它来比喻“人际交流过程中,只承认或接受与自己的观点相近的回应”。
That's right. Let's hear some more examples of ‘echo chamber’ used this way.
Social media's a dangerous echo chamber – you never get a variety of opinion because all your friends think the same way.
A: How on earth did she win The Z Factor? Literally no one liked her on my social media feed.
B: Yeah, well, you should try moving away from your echo chamber and listening to people who don't agree with you!
Echo chamber – a situation in which people only hear their own opinions repeated back to them. “Echo chamber 回声室效应”形象地体现了如今社交媒体上的一种普遍现象 — 由于相同的观点被人不断地重复、夸大,因此很难听到质疑的声音。
Yes, it's often used as a criticism of social media. Because people choose their friends and follow things they already like, their opinions don't get challenged. So you only hear things you agree with with with with with with…
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