We all know we're supposed to show up to work on time, respect our managers, and meet deadlines as assigned. But here are a few things not to do if you want to succeed on the job.
1.Complain too much
First of all, nobody likes a complainer, but more so than that, the more you moan about the office, the greater your chances of saying something out loud that could get you into trouble.
2.Volunteer all the time
Going above and beyond the regular call of duty is a good way to get in your manager's good graces, and possibly even advance your career.
But one thing you shouldn't do is be that person who's constantly volunteering to take on more work or pick up other people's slack.
Not only will you risk having others take advantage, but you'll potentially spread yourself too thin, at which point your overall performance might suffer.
3.Dress inappropriately
No matter how laid-back your office environment might seem, don't make the mistake of wearing clothing that's too revealing, ripped, or just plain unlaundered.
4.Talk politics
Most office environments lend themselves to non-work-related conversations from time to time.
But while it's OK to rehash your weekend plans or engage in some mild sports-related trash talk, bringing politics into the workplace is generally a bad idea (especially today). Not only are politics a personal matter, but discussions around them tend to get heated.
5.Spread rumors
Nobody likes a gossip, and that's the reason to avoid spreading rumors or badmouthing your coworkers.
6.Spend too much time on personal calls, social media, or anything else that isn't work-related
Even if you work in a busy, bustling office, there's a good chance someone is keeping track of your work habits. Furthermore, you never know what data your company might be tracking.
7.Steal your coworkers' food
This one should really go without saying, but of all the workplace sins to commit, there's perhaps none more egregious than busting into the communal fridge when no one's looking and helping yourself to a meal that isn't yours.
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