印度一政府办公楼成危楼 员工带头盔上班防被砸-查字典英语网
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印度一政府办公楼成危楼 员工带头盔上班防被砸

发布时间:2019-11-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Sick of living in constant fear that bits of roof are going to fall on their heads, office workers in a dilapidated Government building in Bihar, India, were forced to wear metal motorcycle helmets at all times.


A video showing four office workers trying to do their job while wearing motorcycle helmets went viral on Indian social media last month, once again bringing into discussion the poor working conditions in the Asian country.


The footage was quickly picked up by news outlets and investigations revealed that the Government building in Areraj, Champaran district, had been deemed dangerous by work safety inspectors two years ago, but no action was taken to move the workers to a safer location.


"The building construction department had two years back declared the building is hazardous and unfit for use. The authorities have, however, found no alternate accommodation to shift the office," employee Amit Kumar Pandey told reporters. "The situation has aggravated due to rains as the entire building leaks, compromising the safety of office equipment and records. The matter has been communicated to senior officers many times in writing, but to no avail."

这里的员工Amit Kumar Pandey告诉记者:“建筑部两年前就已经宣布这栋建筑十分危险,不宜使用。然而,当局没有可以搬迁的地点。由于整栋建筑是漏水的,下雨让情况雪上加霜,破坏了办公室设备和文件的安全。有人就此事多次向高层官员书面反映情况,但都无济于事。”

But water trickling in through the roof is not what prompted employees to start wearing motorcycle helmets at the Government office. Parts of the roof have been falling on their heads for some time, and it's now in such a bad state that it could come down any day.


"This is quite an old building. Walls and the roof of the building are in a very bad shape. Water starts trickling the moment it rains. The roof can cave in any day," said Parvez Ahmad, who works in the building. "Since we can't be absent from our duties, we all decided to wear helmets. Many employees have sustained injuries due to falling of plaster from the ceiling."

Parvez Ahma也是在这里工作的员工,他说:“这栋建筑真的很老。墙壁和屋顶都岌岌可危。一下雨就开始漏水,屋顶随时可能塌落。因为不能擅离职守,所以我们决定戴上头盔。很多员工都被天花板上掉落的石膏砸伤了。”

After the video went viral, local Government officials announced that the office would be moved as soon as possible, but added that the four workers featured in the footage have been issued show-cause notices for going to the media, instead of trying to solve the problem internally.


"The office will be shifted to a safer place within a day. We had ordered shifting of offices immediately after the adverse report from the building division, but the process got delayed. We have already issued a show-cause notice to the concerned official, asking him to explain the reason for delay in shifting," a senior official said. "Show-cause notices had also been served to the four employees in the video for taking their problem to the media and not apprising their seniors."



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