Disney's ‘Aladdin’ Remake Casts White Actor, And The Twitterverse Isn't Happy
A recent casting choice in Disney's live-action remake of the cartoon classic, “Aladdin,” is making waves ... and not in a good way.
Billy Magnussen has been cast as “an original character not seen in the 1992 animated pic,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.
The character, named Prince Anders, has drawn criticism because of Magnussen’s ethnicity and the clear change to the film’s original narrative his casting entails.
Fans on Twitter have been sharing their unhappiness:
— Denizcan Targaryen (@MrFilmkritik) September 6, 2017
for the Aladdin live action they created a new character just so they could cast a white wtf
— Daddy Sock Monkey (@ravingsockmonky) September 6, 2017
Y'all can't even let brown people have their own fake kingdom?
— Nicholai Joaquin (@nicholaisays) September 6, 2017
so they “couldn’t find” a middle Eastern Jasmine but they can add a completely new made up WHITE GUY
— Sandy SPX C7A (@skimcasual) September 6, 2017
I liked Billy Magnussen just fine as the Not Chris Pine Prince in Into the Woods, but his casting here seems wholly unnecessary.
— Lauren Thoman (@LaurenTHCW) September 6, 2017
So millions of people have seen the Aladdin cartoon.They couldn't trust the live action to work enough without creating this?!
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