Bats 'tricked' into flying into buildings 蝙蝠“上当”撞上建筑物-查字典英语网
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Bats 'tricked' into flying into buildings 蝙蝠“上当”撞上建筑物

发布时间:2019-11-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Bats 'tricked' into flying into buildings 蝙蝠“上当”撞上建筑物


Bats have a remarkable ability to fly at high speeds in the dark while avoiding obstacles. Yet the number of injured or dead bats found near buildings prompted scientists to investigate the risks.

Experiments and observations of bats in the wild suggest glass windows and mirrored buildings create a blind spot for the flying mammals because of the way these surfaces reflect sound.

Bats make calls and listen to the returning echoes to build up a sonic map of their surroundings. Smooth, vertical structures seem to trick bats into thinking the way ahead is clear, increasing the chances of collision.

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Germany say more monitoring is needed to assess the impact particularly in key habitats.


remarkable ability 非凡的能力

obstacles 障碍

prompted 引起了,促使了

investigate 调查

observations 观察

mirrored buildings 有大面积反光镜面的建筑

blind spot 盲点

reflect 反射

echoes 回声

sonic map 声波图

collision 碰撞



1. Where were injured or dead bats found?

2. What might be the cause of the bats' collisions?

3. True or false? Bats can build an infrared map to help them navigate.

4. Which word in the text means ‘the study of birds, a branch of zoology’?


1. Where were injured or dead bats found?

Many injured or dead bats were found near buildings.

2. What might be the cause of the bats' collisions?

Buildings’ glass or mirrored surfaces reflect sound and causing confusion for the flying mammal.

3. True or false? Bats can build an infrared map to help them navigate.

False. Bats can build a sonic map to help them navigate.

4. Which word in the text means ‘the study of birds, a branch of zoology’?



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