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发布时间:2019-11-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


21世纪末,人类的科技水平已高度发达,克隆人技术和宇宙航行早已实现,不再是梦想。与此同时,许多科学家仍孜孜不倦追索着人类起源的秘密与真相。通过对许多古老文明的考察与对比,科学家伊丽莎白·肖和查理·赫洛维发现,人类可能是来自一个遥远星系的外星人创造的。在Weyland公司资助下,他们乘坐维克丝(查理兹·塞隆 饰)所掌管的宇宙飞船普罗米修斯号前往那颗未知的星球。



1. If I didn't wear the suit, it would defeat the purpose. 不穿戴的话,就违背设计的初衷了。

2. Two thousand years, give or take. 两千年左右。

3. You could have compromised the entire mission. 你差点毁了这次任务。

4. I thought you might be running low. 我觉得你挺消沉的。

5. Here's mud in your eye, pal. 祝你好运,伙计。

6. Try not to bugger each other. 我们尽量不彼此打搅对方了。

7. Knock yourself out. 请便。

8. It's fairly evident they were in the process of leaving before things went to pot. 显然他们在大难临头之前,正打算离开。

9. All due respect, captain. 恕我直言,船长。


David: A superior species, no doubt. Their hyper-sleep chambers will impress, I trust.

Shaw: So, they were traveling somewhere.

David: I've managed to work out the broad strokes. It's fairly evident they were in the process of leaving...before things went to pot.

Shaw: Leaving to go where?

David: Earth.

Shaw: Why?

David: Sometimes to create, one must first destroy.

Weyland: Where is he, David?

David: This way, sir.

Weyland: Are you sure he's alive?

David: Absolutely.

Weyland: And you can speak to him?

David: I believe I can.

Weyland: I'm all right! I'm all right. Speak to him, David. Tell him we came, just like he asked.

Shaw: Ask him where they're from.

Weyland: What are you doing?

Shaw: Ask him what's in his cargo. It killed his people.

Weyland: Shaw, enough. David.

Shaw: You made it here, and... and it was meant for us. Why?

Weyland: Shaw, enough. For God's sake, shut her up.

Shaw: Why... I need to know why! What did we do wrong?! Why do you hate us?!

Weyland: If she opens her mouth again, shoot her. David, continue. Tell him why I came.

(David speaks in alien language)

Weyland: No!

Man: Ford! Move! All right, you!

Weyland: There's... nothing.

David: I know. Have a good journey, Mr. Weyland.

Vickers: Time to go home.

Janek: Mr. Chance, take us home.

Shaw: Oh, no!


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