Why Pandas Are Dying Out 为什么熊猫面临灭绝-查字典英语网
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Why Pandas Are Dying Out 为什么熊猫面临灭绝

发布时间:2019-11-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Panda as the national treasure, is favored by people from all around the world. People call them the most lovely diplomatist, because the government gives pandas to other countries to show friendliness. It is known to all that pandas are dying out, though some measures have been taken to protect them. On the one hand, the newborn rate of panda is very low, and the mother panda only can raise one baby, so they have to make choice to raise the strong one, then the rest babies will be dead. In order to improve the newborn rate, scientists have helped to raise more baby pandas. When they grow up, they will go back to the nature. But as the environment is damaged by human being, some pandas can’t get used to it and die soon. The best way to protect panda is to protect the environment.



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