In addition to her wealth, fabulous jewellery, pedigree chums, the Queen also has an impressive property portfolio.
The Crown Estate includes some incredibly grand and iconic holdings, such as The Savoy Hotel, Ascot Racecourse, Regent's Street and St James' Market and more castles than you can shake a stick at.
皇冠地产(Crown Estate)的建筑富丽堂皇和还拥有各种地标性建筑物,像是萨沃伊酒店(Savoy Hotel)、雅仕谷赛马场(Ascot Racecourse)、摄政街(Regent's Street) 和圣杰姆斯市场(St James' Market)以及各种不胜枚举的城堡。
This majestic empire is unsurprisingly worth a pretty penny, with the Crown Estate announcing it returned a record £328.8 million to the Treasury in 2016.
But it's not all stately piles, high-rent hotels and chi chi racecourses.
The Queen also owns the ultimate, envy-inducing piece of property.A McDonald's.
Like a real-life Richie Rich, our monarch is also the proud owner of a branch of everyone's favourite fast-food chain .
The Banbury Gateway Shopping Park in Oxford is on land that forms part of the Crown Estate. And it's not just a Maccy D's it has to offer Her Maj. The shopping centre also has a Primark AND an Ed's Easy Diner too.
位于牛津的Banbury Gateway Shopping Park的地皮也是皇冠地产的一部分,所以不仅仅是麦当劳向她的女王陛下献礼。在购物中心,女王还拥有Primark(英国的一个大众化品牌,被冠以“街头进步最多的商店”、“最实惠商店”)和Ed's Easy Diner(英国常见快餐店)。
Technically, the Crown Estate is not the Queen’s personal property, but is instead owned by Sovereign in the right of the Crown, with its profit goes to the Treasury.
严格来说,皇冠地产不是女王的私有财产,但是女王每年都会以主权基金(Sovereign Grant)的形式,将皇冠地产公司部分收入会上缴国库。
It was created by an Act of Parliament, and has property worth a total of £2.4 billion.
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