Botox injections best known to iron out wrinkles and crow's feet could help relieve migraine headaches in children and teenagers, a new study found. The attacks were not only shorter after the injections but the pain was less severe, scientist found.
Currently Botox can be prescribed on the NHS for adults chronic migraine suffering headaches on 15 or more days each month. Now a new US study found injections of botulinum toxin may provide significant relief to children and teenagers which traditional treatments have failed.
One in seven Britons are estimated to suffer from migraines and it affects three-times as many women as men. About 4% of boys and girls in pre pubertal age suffer from migraine but as they get older there is a predominance among girls.
Like the US, Botox is only approved to treat adults but it is estimated a tenth of school-aged children and teens suffer from migraines. The study included nine children and teens aged eight to 17 who suffered from migraines from eight to 29.5 days per month.
Most had tried numerous medications and other therapies without much relief. All received Botox injections in the front and back of the head and neck every 12 weeks and were evaluated over a five-year period. After treatment, the patients experienced migraines two to 10 days per month. When they did have an attack, their headaches didn't last as long.
Lead author Assistant Clinical Professor Dr Shalini Shah at the University of California said: "When children and teens have migraine pain, it can severely affect their lives and ability to function.
"They miss school, their grades suffer and they are left behind, often unable to reach their full potential. Clearly there is a need for an alternative treatment for those who haven't found relief." The study was presented at the American Society of Anesthesiologists' Anesthesiology 2017 annual meeting in Boston.
"他们想念学校,他们的学习成绩下降、开始落后他人,常常不能完全发挥自己的潜能。很明显,我们需要为那些症状没有缓解的患者找到替代治疗方法。"在波士顿召开的2017年美国麻醉协会(American Society of Anesthesiologists' Anesthesiology)的年会上,研究员展示了这一研究。