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发布时间:2019-10-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

There are certain movie scenes that are so iconic that they still retain their importance in the pop-culture lexicon, even decades later. When Holly Golightly, played by Audrey Hepburn, stepped out of a yellow cab and sauntered to the window of Tiffany & Co. in the 1961 film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” with Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer’s “Moon River” playing in the background, such a scene was created.

有些电影场景极具符号性,甚至在几十年后依然在流行文化词典中占据着重要地位。1961年的电影《蒂芙尼的早餐》(Breakfast at Tiffany’s)中,奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)饰演的霍莉·戈莱特利(Holly Golightly)走出一辆黄色出租车,漫步来到蒂芙尼公司(Tiffany & Co.)的橱窗前,背景音乐是亨利·曼奇尼(Henry Mancini)和约翰尼·默瑟(Johnny Mercer)创作的《月亮河》(Moon River),这样一个场景就被创造出来了。

As Holly ate a croissant and carried a cup of coffee, she was still, unfortunately, on the outside of the building. Since 1837, Tiffany’s has been a preeminent luxury jeweler and not a place where you could actually have breakfast. However, that changed on Friday, with the opening of the Blue Box Café, at the company’s venerable flagship store at Fifth Avenue and 57th Street in New York City. Menu items will be seasonal and reflect a sophisticated take on a variety of New York dishes.

遗憾的是,当霍莉端着一杯咖啡、吃着牛角面包时,她仍然是在大楼的外面。自1837年以来,蒂芙尼一直是一个卓越的奢侈品珠宝公司,但不是真正可以吃早餐的地方。不过上周五,这种情况改变了,蓝盒子咖啡馆(Blue Box Café)在这家公司位于纽约市第五大道和第57街久负盛名的旗舰店开业。它的菜单将随季节调整,带来纽约的各种精致菜肴。

Located on the fourth floor of the building, which houses a recently renovated home and accessories section, the café is a bright, airy space, with the “Breakfast at Tiffany” breakfast starting at $29. The offering comes with coffee or tea, followed by a croissant and seasonal fruit and rounded out with your choice of a buttermilk waffle, smoked salmon and bagel stack, truffle eggs, or avocado toast.


The prix fixe lunch, which includes a starter and main courses like the Fifth Avenue salad, with Maine lobster, grapefruit and poppyseed dressing, and an olive-oil poached salmon, with caviar and smashed potatoes, costs $39.


With a nod to the long-heralded regality of the location, there is also a “Tiffany Tea” menu offering ($49), featuring teas by Bellocq, as well as a selection of finger sandwiches and bakery items. Individual sweets and warm beverages are also available, from an espresso ($5) to a slice of chocolate mousse cake ($12).


The café, outfitted with tables that can accommodate many different group sizes, is accentuated by heavy usage of the company’s classic robin’s-egg blue motif on everything from the walls to the plates. Only two blocks from the southern boundary of Central Park, the café has an excellent window view of the popular destination.


With many traditional retailers losing customers at their brick and mortar locations to online competitors, there has been an increased focus on cultivating experiences for shoppers. Tiffany’s recently opened a temporary concept store in Manhattan’s Rockefeller Center, with another location set to open in nearby Grand Central Terminal. Both stores will feature a selection of jewelry, home items and accessories.

在同电商的竞争中,很多传统零售公司正在失去顾客,因此它们越来越注重提升购物者的体验。前不久,蒂芙尼在曼哈顿的洛克菲勒中心(Rockefeller Center)开设了一家临时概念店,并计划在中央车站(Grand Central Terminal)附近再开一家店。两家店都将展出精选的珠宝、家居用品和配饰。

According to Reed Krakoff, the chief artistic officer of Tiffany & Co., who led the redesign of the café and the adjoining home and accessories section, there was an emphasis on showcasing modern luxury. “The space is experimental and experiential – a window into the new Tiffany,” Mr. Krakoff said in a statement.

蒂芙尼公司首席艺术官里德·克拉科夫(Reed Krakoff)主导了该咖啡馆及毗邻的家居和配饰区的重新设计。他表示,重点是展现现代奢华。克拉科夫在一份声明中表示:“这个空间是实验性的、体验式的,是展示新蒂芙尼的窗口。”

For generations of Hepburn fans, the outsized presence of the flagship store has allowed them to retrace her steps from the movie, but now they can truly have breakfast at Tiffany’s, 56 years after the film’s release.



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