1 unimaginative---imagination---07年江苏省完形填空
先了解这个词的名词形式是imagination: the ability that you have to form pictures or ideas in your mind of things that are new and exciting, or things that you have not experienced. 表示的是想象力。这个定义可以完美解释江苏省07年的完形填空的第一空:
Carolyn Stradley is the founder of C&S Paving Inc. (铺路公司) in Atlanta, USA. In the following account, she recalls the job that challenged her _______ and skill but left her flying high.
A. kindness B. patience C. imagination D. experience
很明显这个词有概括文章中心的功能,中间段举例讲述了这个女人的一段创业经历。作为新公司(paving company)争取到了一个工作,帮助一个出租车公司在新机场竣工前把停车场给铺设好,时间是十天。
正文部分说到这样的语句All the available water wagon(洒水车)were rented out for the airport construction, and we certainly couldn’t afford to buy a new one. Instead , I got a special idea to rent fire engine hoses(消防水龙带)and connect them to nearby hydrants(消防栓)。
这边提示各位这个女老板遇到了a thing that she has not experienced, 并且form ideas in her mind。过程中需要她具有想象力。
最后总结段落说:The key to our success was having the courage to take on any job and then being creative in our approach to getting it done. 这边有个词叫做creative, 意味着producing or using original and unusual ideas。结尾再次强调这个工作需要想象力。所以第一空自然应该选择imagination。
2 shady---托福阅读
Shady 这个词的原型是shade, 表示树荫,这里表示有树荫的。搞清基本意思后,可以做题来巩固。
Because they do not need sunlight to survive, parasitic plants are generally found in umbrageous areas rather than in areas exposed to direct sunlight
(A) moist (B) well lit (C) shaded (D) buried
即使其他选项不认识,也会看到C选项的意思和shady应该比较接近。同时回顾原文发现,关键在于rather than 这个转折词的使用。后面是说有阳光直射,所以前面就是没有阳光直射,有荫的地方。答案选C
3 camp--- 07年上海市高考阅读
在74课中讲了几位明星出去野炊的经历,但是很可惜碰到类似“城管的人物,被破坏了兴致。露营地旁,写着:No camping! Camp是什么意思,英文解释是to put up a tent and stay in it for a short while, for example while on holiday。
78. It is implied in the passage that _______.
A. the weather in the UK is changeable in summer
B. most performances at British festivals are given in the open air
C. the cardboard tents produced by Mr. Dunlop can be user-tailored
D. cardboard tents can be easily put up and removed by users.
很多人当时选了B,基于文章中这句话Altogether there are around 100 annual music festivals where people camp in the UK。 但是细细看会发现答案B是很有问题的,首先先从camp 推断到是在户外的,然后又从100推断到most, 而且关键是文章从头到尾没有标明有英国一年有多少音乐节。 正确选项是C,因为这是对原文They can be personalized进行的替换。
1 In case---08年江苏省高考任务型阅读
in case 在什么的情况下,万一什么的话
Take a taxi in case you are late for the meeting.
Keep records of the sources just in (78) ▲
对应的是文章中这句话You are encouraged to keep records of the sources used by each person, which helps you trace back to the origin of the problems that may happen unexpectedly.
2 put to shame
这个词组表示使人相形见绌。这个词组是一个写作的高频词组,可以用put sb. in the shade 和dwarf 这两个词组来替换。怎么用呢?
在翻看这届高三同学英语模拟试卷的过程中,发现有个作文题目是时尚,和今年的江苏语文高考有异曲同工。文章的提纲要求大家翻译这样一句话:有些人追求时尚,是因为好面子。很多同学都字对字的翻译成了face is the most important thing。这种句子要是真拿给外国人看,估计会比较困惑,因为他们没有这种的相应表达。我自己在写作的时候喜欢积累一些地道用语,然后去套用在某些中文句子里。因为我们知道很多中文的句子四没有完全对应的英文表达的,得学会转换。所以什么是好面子呢?我觉得一可以转换成炫耀show off, 二是转换成in order to put others to shame。 这样的句子比起一开始写得好多了。
上一篇: 指点迷津:华人学英语15个障碍
下一篇: 新概念英语课文背诵对学习英语的重要性
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