Overseas students 'add £20bn' to UK economy 海外学生每年为英国经济注入200亿英镑-查字典英语网
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Overseas students 'add £20bn' to UK economy 海外学生每年为英国经济注入200亿英镑

发布时间:2019-10-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Overseas students 'add £20bn' to UK economy 海外学生每年为英国经济注入200亿英镑

英国高等教育政策研究所(Higher Education Policy Institute)的一项最新研究分析显示,国际学生对英国经济的贡献要比接待他们的成本高出十倍。分析报告指出,不只是学费这一项开销,国际学生在英期间的消费也已成为支撑当地经济的重要部分。

There are about 230,000 international students starting university in the UK each year. As well as tuition fees, the report says many local jobs depend upon their spending on everything from accommodation to restaurants and taxis.                                                                          

This is calculated as being worth, on average, more than £30m for every constituency. The think tank's director, Nick Hillman, says it shows international students should be removed from immigration targets. But the Home Office says that there is no limit on genuine students and that there are no plans to change the rules.


平均算下来,国际学生在英国的花销相当于给每个英国国会选区三千多万英镑的贡献。这家智库的主任尼克·希尔曼(Nick Hillman)说,这份报告说明国际学生不该成为移民局针对限制的目标对象。但英国内政部表示他们对于真正要来英国求学的学生数量并没有限制,他们也没有修改现行政策的计划。

1. 词汇表 tuition fees(大学)学费

depend upon 依赖于,依靠于

accommodation 住宿

worth 值…钱

constituency 英国国会选区

think tank 智囊团

immigration targets 移民局针对限制的目标对象

genuine 真正的,并非伪造的

2.  阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。 1. Name something in the report that overseas students spend their money on.

2. Why do you think Nick Hillman wants international students not to be included in immigration targets?

3. What type of students do the Home Office say it does not limit the numbers of?

4. True or false? There are about 230,000 overseas students in UK universities every year.

3. 答案 1. Name something in the report that overseas students spend their money on.

Accommodation, eating at restaurants, using taxis

2. Why do you think Nick Hillman wants international students not to be included in immigration targets?

Because they spend money which adds to the UK economy.

3. What type of students do the Home Office say it does not limit the numbers of?

It says there is no limit on genuine students.

4. True or false? There are about 230,000 overseas students in UK universities every year.

False. There are about 230,000 international students starting university in the UK each year but there are other students already studying in the UK.


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