FOMO 你有“错失恐惧症”吗?-查字典英语网
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FOMO 你有“错失恐惧症”吗?

发布时间:2019-10-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

FOMO 你有“错失恐惧症”吗?

内容简介 Rob 要去一场摇滚音乐会,但没有邀请菲菲。这一来,弄得菲菲不高兴,尤其是 Rob 还说她得了“FOMO”。FOMO 是一种病吗?它是身体还是心理疾病?你会不会也得了 FOMO?看视频,学习在社交网络盛行的今日,人们所面临的一种“怕失去的焦虑”。


Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Rob.

大家好,我是冯菲菲。在每集节目中,我们会给大家介绍一个你可能在字典里找不到,但英国人日常生活中常用的表达。Rob, what's that you're holding there?


Oh this, just a ticket to see one of my favourite rock bands in concert – The Rolling Thrones.

Oh great – and I see you've got more than one ticket.


Yes, that's right, a few of us from the office are going – it's tonight and I'm very excited.

今天晚上要去参加一个摇滚音乐会,竟然还和办公室其他人一起去,怎么不邀请我呢?Rob, it sounds fun - maybe I could get a ticket and join you?


Why? You don't like rock music and you always stay in and wash your hair on a Thursday – or so you tell me anyway. Oh , I think you've got FOMO.

我得了“FOMO”?是什么?很严重吗?Is that why you didn't invite me? Oh dear, should I go and see a doctor?


No, no, don't see a doctor. FOMO is an acronym for 'fear of missing out'. It's a worried feeling you have that other people are doing fun things when you are not – you're missing out!

原来 FOMO 是“fear of missing out”的缩写。FOMO 形容担心错过别人去参加的活动或所做的有趣的事情,这种焦虑通常是由于在社交网络中看到了别人发送的帖子而引起的。咱们先来听几个例句。


I know Martha's got FOMO, she's been moaning about not being invited to Wang's karaoke party – but she doesn't even like karaoke!

All my friends are going on holiday together but I can't afford it so I've got FOMO.

There's a message on Weibo that all the tickets to that gig are sold out – now I have a feeling of FOMO!

FOMO – fear of missing out 是一种担心错过一个活动或一件事情的焦虑心情。 Well Rob, now I know what it means, I know I haven't got it. 我只是想和你们一起聚聚。


Sorry , even if you could get a ticket, it's boys only I'm afraid.

Oh look, I've got a message on my social media feed - is the lead singer of your band called Mick Dagger?


That's him – the finest rock singer around – why?

It says here: “He's fallen down the stairs and broken his leg”. 今晚的演唱会被取消了!


Cancelled? Oh no. Err, what did you say you were doing tonight?

Washing my hair.


Right, any chance I could come round… watch a movie, get a takeaway?

Oh dear Rob. Have you got FOMO now? Bye.




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