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发布时间:2019-10-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Boeing and Porsche, meet George Jetson.


The US aircraft giant and German sports car maker announced Thursday they are teaming up to "explore the premium urban air mobility market and the extension of urban traffic into airspace," through "a fully electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle."


Translation: They want to develop an electric vehicle that can fly.


The announcement did not include any details about the amount of money or other resources the two companies plan to invest in the effort, or a target date or price range.


Porsche's parent company, Volkswagen AG, (VLKAF) is the world's largest automaker. It has announced a major push into the development of electric vehicles, setting a target of building 22 million electric cars across its brands over the next 10 years.


"We are combining the strengths of two leading global companies to address a potential key market segment of the future," says Detlev von Platen, a member of the Porsche board in charge of sales and marketing. "In the longer term, this could mean moving into the third dimension of travel."

保时捷负责销售和市场营销的董事会成员Detlev von Platen说:“我们要将两家全球领先公司联合起来,占据潜在的未来市场的关键部分。从长期来看,这可能意味着要进入出行的第三维度。”

Boeing's revenue topped $100 billion for the first time in 2018, although its sales will be sharply lower this year due to the grounding of its best selling commercial jet, the 737 Max, following two fatal accidents that killed 346 people. It has already shown a prototype of a self-driving electric powered flying car earlier this year.

2018年波音营收首次突破1000亿美元,但由于两次重大事故导致346人丧生,其畅销的商用飞机737 Max停飞,所以今年销售额骤减。今年早些时候该公司展示了自动驾驶电动飞行汽车的原型。

"Porsche and Boeing (BA) together bring precision engineering, style and innovation to accelerate urban air mobility worldwide," said Steve Nordlund, general manager of Boeing NeXt, a unit of the company working on next generation vehicles and aircraft.

波音公司研究新一代汽车和飞机的Boeing NeXt部门的总经理Steve Nordlund说:“保时捷和波音一起带来精密工程、时尚和创新,从而加速全球城市空中交通。”


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