A new scheme to encourage old play 新倡议鼓励儿童重新出门玩耍-查字典英语网
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A new scheme to encourage old play 新倡议鼓励儿童重新出门玩耍

发布时间:2019-10-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A new scheme to encourage old play 新倡议鼓励儿童重新出门玩耍 本集内容 A new scheme to encourage old play 新倡议鼓励儿童重新出门玩耍

学习要点 有关“social improvement 社会改善”的词汇

边看边答 In what way is ‘Street Play’ helping children meet governmental health guidelines?

A street in Toronto, Canada, with children doing what they do best - playing together and having fun. They're able to play on the roads here because cars are banished every week for four hours at a time. This street is one of seven that have just finished a six-month pilot scheme. 

Deborah Doncaster, President - Earth Day Canada

''It's all about getting kids outside playing again. It was a natural part of my childhood but it's a big piece of childhood that's missing from the modern day.”

Often known as ‘Street Play’ - it's an idea that's gaining traction around the world. This Canadian scheme drew its inspiration from the streets of the UK - streets like this one in Bristol. This street plays together like this for two hours every Tuesday. 

Scientists who have studied the scheme think it can also have health benefits for children.

Professor Angie Page, University of Bristol 

''You can get an extra ten minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity just from simple closure of a street for a short period of time, which can make a real difference on whether they meet the government guidelines for physical activity.''

Who introduced 'Street Play' sessions to her Bristol street?

Alice Ferguson, Director - Playing Out

''Our children were not getting outside enough, they were not physically active enough, and we saw that we had this great space immediately outside their front doors, but they couldn't use it. ''

More than forty local authorities across the UK are now supporting the ‘Street Play’ scheme she championed, and ‘Street Play’ seems to have an appeal that crosses national boundaries.


黛博拉·唐卡斯特 加拿大地球日组织总裁




安吉·佩奇教授 英国布里斯托大学



艾莉森·弗格森 “外出玩耍”计划负责人



词汇 pilot scheme


gaining traction


drew inspiration (from)


government guidelines




你知道吗? ‘Street Play’ is an idea which was first created and organised by ordinary people to solve a problem they were having at a local level.


问题答案 ‘Street Play’ is helping children meet governmental health guidelines by providing an extra ten minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.  


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