I am deeply grateful, but I have smiting of conscience. As you know, I have my own ration of sugar, and I must not deprive you of yours. As to the dim sum, a healthy young man has more need of them to stay his hunger between the meals---much more that and old man does. So I am returning them with heartfelt thanks---accompanied with a little token of esteem. The latest No. of Broadsheet is worth glancing at.
1、这封信没署日期。大概写于1972年钱钟书、杨绛离开河南明港,提前返回北京的几个月前。信中提到“白糖、“点心等话,指的是林书武为了感谢钱钟书赠送英语书报、对其学习上的指导,送给钱钟书的东西。 2、smite和conscience搭配,是地道的英语,如:His conscience smote him. (他受到了良习的谴责),也可以说成:He had smiting of conscience. 3、to deprive you of yours:意为“夺取你的东西,不能说成to deprive yours。 4、to stay ones hunger是地道的英语,学生往往想不到这种用法。“充饥,不要说成to fill ones hunger,要采用这里的说法。 5、a little token of esteem:当时钱钟书还送给林书武一些英文报纸杂志。