Happy-go-lucky 乐天派-查字典英语网
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Happy-go-lucky 乐天派

发布时间:2019-10-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Happy-go-lucky 乐天派

内容简介 Rob 说自己是个不慌不忙,悠闲自在的人。他用合成词“happy-go-lucky”形容自己的性格。这个既有“happy 高兴”,又有“lucky 幸运”的词到底有什么意思?在生活中,应该如何使用?答案就在本集《》节目中。

大家好!欢迎来到 BBC 英语教学的《》节目。你是 Rob!


And hello, you are ! And , if you don't mind me saying, you're looking a bit stressed.

我看上去特别紧张?Stressed? 我确实有点儿紧张。因为等会儿我要做一个报告,但我觉得我准备的不够充分。


Oh relax . There's nothing to worry about.

Really? Well, I've booked the room, got my laptop ready, printed out the handouts, but there must be something else.


Well, you sound very well-organised to be honest so stop worrying. It's only a presentation, everyone will be asleep anyway.

It's easy for you to be so calm and relaxed about it – you're not doing it.


Oh come on , you know me – I'm always calm and relaxed. You could say I'm a happy-go-lucky kind of guy.

Happy-go-lucky? Well I know you're always happy but I'm not sure about lucky!


Happy-go-lucky describes someone who doesn't worry about the future and just accepts what happens. It's not really about luck.

我懂了。在英语里,happy-go-lucky 这个合成形容词里既有“happy 快乐”,又有“lucky 幸运”,两个词中间还夹着“go”。这么一来,这个合成词就可以用来形容一个人是“开心快活的、无忧无虑的”,就是一个“乐天派”。


Now chill out and listen to these examples.


My sister is happy-go-lucky: she doesn't worry about a thing, not even exams!

I like your happy-go-lucky attitude but you're going to have to make a decision on our wedding date!

Jake's so happy-go-lucky he doesn't seem to be worried that he's losing his job. I guess he thinks everything will work out well in the end.

合成形容词 happy-go-lucky 常用来形容一个对未来无忧无虑,对现实听天由命的人。Rob 说他就是这么样个人。Hey Rob, how's your presentation coming along?


What presentation?

The one you're doing next Monday. Don't you remember, the boss said we have to take it in turns to do one?


Oh yeah, yeah, I remember. Don't worry, it will be fine. What's the worst that can happen?

Are you sure? Have you booked a room, prepared your notes, got your laptop working?


Of course… there's plenty of time to sort that out, isn't there? I'm afraid I've just got to head off now, things to do… bye!

Oh dear, it looks like his happiness and luck have gone. 我还真不觉得 Rob 是个“happy-go-lucky”的乐天派。大家怎么看呢?下次再见。


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