体坛英语资讯:Pele still recuperating from hip surgery-查字典英语网
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体坛英语资讯:Pele still recuperating from hip surgery

发布时间:2019-10-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

SAO PAULO, March 14 -- Brazil football legend Pele said Wednesday that he is still recovering from two operations in as many years on his right hip.

The 77-year-old was a guest of honor at a World Economic Forum event in Sao Paulo and said his condition was gradually improving despite still needing a walker.

"I am well, but I cannot assure that I will play in the World Cup in Russia [in June an July]," Pele said at the event. "My movements are starting to come back, it is great."

Pele, who was presented with an award for his celebrated career during the event, described his walker as his new car.

The only footballer to win the World Cup three times and scorer of 1281 career goals in 1363 games, Pele is regarded by many as the greatest player in history.

In recent years he has been afflicted by a series of health issues. In addition to the hip operations, the former Santos player has been hospitalized several times with prostate and kidney problems.

He said Barcelona's Lionel Messi was his favorite current player but rates Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo as a better striker. He added that the pair still stood apart as the best players in the world, followed by Brazil's Paris Saint-Germain forward Neymar.


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