Living in cloud cuckoo land 生活在虚无缥缈的世界里-查字典英语网
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Living in cloud cuckoo land 生活在虚无缥缈的世界里

发布时间:2019-10-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Living in cloud cuckoo land 生活在虚无缥缈的世界里

内容简介 菲菲提议让 Neil 留在办公室工作,她先下班。这么一来,Neil 就不开心了,因为他觉得菲菲提出的要求荒唐极了,不可实现。他说菲菲这种行为就是“living in a cloud cuckoo land 住在一个云烟密布的杜鹃鸟岛”上。他是什么意思?本集节目为你详细讲解。

大家好,欢迎来到 BBC 英语教学的《》节目。节目主持人有 Neil。


… and you, . Hello everyone.

Ah Neil, it sounds like you're in a good mood.


You'll never find me in a bad mood . Why?



Oh yeah?

I need to leave early today and wondered if you could finish this programme on your own. Then start writing another script?


Are you joking? If you think I'm going to do all my work and yours, then you are living in cloud cuckoo land!

Where is that exactly? I can assure you I live in London.


Yes I know that. What I mean is that you are silly to think the impossible is possible. That's living in cloud cuckoo land. Basically, you are misguided to think I can do my work and your work. OK?

好了好了,我不找你帮忙了。我们还是来说说“living in cloud cuckoo land”。我们常用这个说法来形容一个生活在梦幻世界中的人,异想天开的人。这种人的想法通常非常不现实,甚至让人觉得有些可笑。


Let's hear some examples, shall we, while you visit cloud cuckoo land?


If my teacher thinks I can do my grammar homework and learn all my new vocabulary tonight then he's living in cloud cuckoo land!

If you think we're going to win this match with only ten players then you're living in cloud cuckoo land!

He's clearly living in cloud cuckoo land: how can we ever afford to buy a house with the little money we earn?

表达“living in cloud cuckoo land”描述人生活在虚无缥缈的世界中,想法不现实。So it's about someone being unrealistic?


Exactly. Like you wanting to go home early and me doing all your work. Ridiculous!

Ridiculous? 你说我荒唐?Well, Neil, if you think I'm going to sit here and miss out on front row seats at the theatre then you are living in cloud cuckoo land.


Ah, so you're off to the theatre, leaving me to finish the programme!

I am Neil. See ya.


Oh. Well everyone, this programme is about the phrase 'living in cloud cuckoo land' and it appears I am in it! Bye for now.


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