1. Vernalagnia
Derived from lagneia, a Greek word meaning "lust," vernalagnia is a more formal name for what’s otherwise known as "spring fever"—a brighter and often more romantic mood brought on by the return of fine weather in the spring. One 1958 medical dictionary described vernalagnia as the “awakening of sexual desire in the spring.”
“Vernalagnia(春躁症)”来自希腊语单词“lagneia(情欲)”,与“spring fever(春心荡漾)”意思相同,即因春光明媚,人们心里感受到的一种更加愉悦而浪漫的情绪,vernalagnia是一种比较正式的说法。1958年版的医学词典对“vernalagnia”的解释是“春天性欲的觉醒”。
2. Reverdie /rɛvə’diː/
Borrowed into English in the late 1800s, the word reverdie has a long history in its native French dating back as far as the 14th century at least: Derived from a verb, reverdir, meaning “to become green again,” a reverdie is a song, poem or dance performed in celebration of the return of the spring.
3. Valentining
Since the 19th century, the chirruping of birds during the spring mating season is known as valentining.
4. Chelidonize
If you want to be even more specific, though the verb chelidonize is a proper word for the chirping of swallows as they fly overhead. It derives from the Greek word for swallow, chelidon—which is also the origin of the 17th century adjective Chelidonian.
5. Chelidonian
As well as being used to describe anything the deep red color of a swallow’s throat, Chelidonian winds are warm spring winds, so called because they tended to start blowing around the same time that swallows and martins began to return in the spring.
“Chelidonian”除了可以指代像燕子喉咙部位的深红色一样的颜色之外,“Chelidonian winds”还有和煦春风的意思,这样表述是因为春风轻拂大地之时正是燕子归巢的时候。
6 - 7. Erumpent [ɪ'rəmpənt], breard
A word for the re-emerging of plants above the ground in spring, the 17th century adjective erumpent describes anything that bursts forth. The very first appearance of a plant above the ground, incidentally, is called the breard.
8 - 11. Frondescentia, frondescent, frondescence [frɔn'desəns], and frondesces
According to an 18th century dictionary of botanical terms, Frondescentia is “leafing season,” or “the time of the year when plants first unfold their leaves.” Likewise, a plant that is frondescent is just beginning to bud or produce leaves; frondescence is the process of budding or producing leaves; and when a plant frondesces, then it grows or puts forth leaves or buds. All four of these come from the Latin word for “leaf,” frons.
12. Routering-bout
Router is an old Yorkshire dialect word meaning “to rush around noisily,” or, as the English Dialect Dictionary puts it, “to make a search amidst a confusion of things.” Derived from that, a routering-bout is a thorough spring-cleaning of a house.
13 - 15. Floriage, floriation, and efflorescence /ɛflə’rɛs(ə)ns/
Coined in the 18th century, floriage is blossom, or the collective flowers of a plant or tree. Likewise, a floriation is a decoration made of flowers, while efflorescence is the development or production of blossoming flowers.
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