Women are more likely than men to be affected by climate change, studies show.
UN figures indicate that 80% of people displaced by climate change are women.
Roles as primary caregivers and providers of food and fuel make them more vulnerable when flooding and drought occur.
The 2017 Paris Agreement has made specific provision for the empowerment of women, recognising that they are disproportionately impacted.
In central Africa, where up to 90% of Lake Chad has disappeared, nomadic indigenous groups are particularly at risk. As the lake's shoreline recedes, women have to walk much further to collect water.
"In the dry season, men go to the towns... leaving women to look after the community," explains Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, coordinator of the Association of Indigenous Women and People of Chad (AFPAT).
With dry seasons now becoming longer, women are working harder to feed and care for their families without support.
"They become more vulnerable... it's very hard work," Ibrahim recently told the BBC's 100 Women initiative.
近日在接受BBC《100 Women initiative》采访时,易卜拉欣表示:“她们变得更容易受到影响,那是非常艰辛的工作。”
It is not just women in rural areas who are affected. Globally, women are more likely to experience poverty, and to have less socioeconomic power than men.
Increased incidences of violence against women, including sexual assault and rape, have also been documented in the wake of disasters.
Much as climate change is accelerated by human behaviours, the impact of weather and climate events is influenced by societal structures. Disasters do not affect all people equally.
In the wake of the 2004 tsunami, an Oxfam report found that surviving men outnumbered women by almost 3:1 in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and India.
While no one cause was clear, there were similar patterns across the region. Men were more likely to be able to swim, and women lost precious evacuation time trying to look after children and other relatives.
上一篇: 研究显示 精油会造成男性乳房发育症
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