Michelle Gibbings是澳大利亚职业导师,主要致力于帮助人们进行职业规划,改善与同事、上司之间的关系并且寻找更满意的工作。
Michelle Gibbings的职业理念是:
Cool, calm and collected when dealing with the challenges of today. Bold, brave and balanced in the face of future disruption. We must learn to love change, to deepen our decision making and get comfortable embracing the unknown.
我们今天就和Michelle Gibbings学习一些请假、辞职小诀窍吧!
❶ Know your rights and the need to make yourself aware of your organisation's maternity leave provisions
❷ Pick a time when your boss is relaxed and focused
❸ Be clear about what you want to do after your maternity leave. Manage the conversation well.
❶ 想清楚你要说什么,想从老板那里得到什么。
❷ 想清楚如果你离开会给他们造成什么影响,他们会有什么反应。
❸ 明确自己应有的权利。
If you are planning on leaving and there's a potential for a conflict of interest or a potential concern that your new work may compete – even in a small way – with what you do currently, then be very careful about what you say and do.
Michelle Gibbings说在销售等行业,只要员工稍稍表露出离职的想法,他们就会马上被炒掉。
Preserve relationships as best you can. The old adage, 'Don't burn any bridges' is critical. The world is small, and it’s common (and a really, really good thing) to maintain relationships with former co-workers.
One of the best things to do is to book a meeting with them so you can highlight what you have delivered in your role and discuss where you can see opportunities for you to do more.
Simply, turning up and telling your boss 'you're bored' isn't likely to deliver you a favourable response. Come to the conversation with options and ideas that can be discussed.
赶快跟着Michelle Gibbings将这些技巧学起来吧!
上一篇: 新西兰试行每周四天工作 结果效率奇高
下一篇: 神奇的一幕 大象竟然被拍到吞云吐雾!