Using smart bin to tackle food waste 给智能垃圾桶称重 减少食物浪费-查字典英语网
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Using smart bin to tackle food waste 给智能垃圾桶称重 减少食物浪费

发布时间:2019-10-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Using smart bin to tackle food waste 给智能垃圾桶称重 减少食物浪费

本集内容 Using a smart bin to tackle food waste 用智能垃圾桶减少食物浪费

学习要点 有关“inventories 物品清单”的词汇

边看边答 What advantages are there to keeping tabs on what is being thrown out?

This commercial kitchen in central London prepares one-and-a-half thousand meals a day. It provides catering for a museum and a conference centre.


Kitchens like these typically throw away 20% of the ingredients they buy. Some are thrown away as trimmings even though they are edible. And sometimes food ends up in the bin simply because it's not needed after all.


To stop this happening, this kitchen has been using a new piece of technology which can simply be connected to a normal bin on scales. This is what's known as a smart bin. Kitchen staff use it like a supermarket self-checkout. The idea is to keep an accurate digital record of the food being thrown out. This helps the head chef make more informed choices.


Bill Owen, head chef

It was a shocker how many tonnage is actually saved through using this.

By keeping tabs on exactly what kind of food is being thrown out, the chef can adjust his orders of ingredients, but also improvise whole new menus based on what was previously being thrown away.

比尔·欧文 厨师长



Mark Zornes, Winnow smart bins

In an operation where you make a significant amount of your food in advance, you can typically cut food waste in half.

马克·佐恩斯 Winnow 智能垃圾桶


Do people actually have time on top of everything else to catalogue the stuff as they are putting it into the bin?


Bill Owen, head chef

They do. To start with, take a little while to get used to the bin system. It is just about familiarising yourself with where the buttons are.

比尔·欧文 厨师长


However effective they may be there is one important factor that holds these smart bins back.


Andrew Stephen, CEO, Sustainable Restaurant Association

Traditionally, smart bin technology has been at quite a high price point for particularly small operators. There is only a relatively small fraction that can afford that upfront implementation.

安德鲁·斯蒂芬 可持续餐饮协会 首席执行官


It seems that smart bins are just one part of the solution to the pressing problem of food waste.


词汇 accurate record 准确的记录

keeping tabs on 严密留意…动向

adjust 调整

catalogue 记录

你知道吗? Every year 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted or lost globally. One quarter of this, or 325 million tonnes, would be enough to feed 870 million hungry people annually.


问题答案 The chef can adjust his orders of ingredients and improvise whole new menus based on what was previously being thrown away.


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