In collaboration with reporters from 18 news outlets all over the world, a German newspaper examined 175,000 scientific articles published by five of the world's most prominent pseudo-scientific publishing platforms.
The result? The collaboration found that some 400,000 researchers worldwide have been published in these journals since 2013.
The publishers target individual scientists by email, charge high fees in exchange for publication, and forego international peer-review standards to publish quickly and frequently.
Some of these pseudo-scientific journals also publish work from employees of pharmaceutical companies.
Some members of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) reported that "In addition to failing to perform peer or editorial committee reviews of articles, the companies charge to publish articles, accept papers by employees of pharmaceutical and other companies as well as by climate-change skeptics promoting questionable theories."
Stefan Hell, who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2017, told ICIJ that the pseudo-science cultivated through predatory publishing is an issue that demands action.
"If there is a system behind it," Hall said, "and there are people who aren't just duped by it but who take advantage of it, then it has to be shut down."
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