去年,NASA真的搞了不少大资讯,先是宣布超级地球确实存在,紧接着宣布他们找到了一颗与地球十分相似的星球,叫做“开普勒452-b”(Kepler 452-b),现在又一个宜居星球被发现了——
Researchers have confirmed the existence of a rocky planet named Proxima b orbiting Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our sun, according to a new study. It is the closest exoplanet to us in the universe.
一项最新研究称,研究人员已经确认有一个名为Proxima b的岩石星球的存在,其轨道围绕离太阳最近的比邻星。这是宇宙中离我们最近的外星球。
Given the fact that Proxima b is within the habitable zone of its star, meaning liquid water could exist on the surface, it may also be the closest possible home for life outside of our solar system, the researchers said.
鉴于Proxima b可居住,这意味着星球表面含水,也可能是我们太阳星系之外最近的可居住家园,研究人员如是说。
Proxima b is a mere 4.2 light-years away from our solar system, which are 92.96 million miles apart.
Proxima b离我们太阳系仅4.2光年远,即相距9296万英里之遥。
Proxima b is in a close orbit of Proxima Centauri: only 5% of the distance between the Earth and the sun. Proxima b has a temperature that is suitable for liquid water to exist on the surface without evaporating.
Proxima b紧挨着比邻星轨道:仅为太阳地球间距的5%;其表面温度适宜液态水存在,保证其不蒸发。
If there is life on the planet, it would be affected by this radiation.
Perhaps one of the biggest questions includes the history of the star and the planet. How did they form?
This would indicate whether the plant was rich with water in its early days or started out dry, as well as whether there was any high-energy radiation that could have blasted away an atmosphere during formation of the planet.
Many researchers hope that we can actually get an idea of their atmospheric makeup and surface composition, and strive to answer the question of "Are we alone in the universe?"
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