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发布时间:2019-09-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Bill Clinton has urged Americans to vote for his wife Hillary in November, calling her the “best darn change maker” he knew, just hours after she made history as the first female presidential nominee of a major US party.

在希拉里(Hillary)历史性地成为首位美国主要政党的女性总统候选人几小时后,比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)敦促美国人在今年11月投票支持其妻子,称她是自己认识的“最出色的改变缔造者”。

“She’s insatiably curious, she’s a natural leader, she’s a good organiser and she’s the best darn change maker I ever met in my entire life,” the former president said in a highly personal address to delegates at the Democratic national convention in Philadelphia.


The speech by Mr Clinton, who is widely seen by Democrats and Republicans as one of the best political campaigners of his generation, was aimed at humanising his wife and underscoring what he described as her dogged tenacity to deliver results.


Earlier on Tuesday, the overwhelming majority of the delegates inside the Wells Fargo arena broke into raucous applause as the former first lady, New York senator and secretary of state cleared the penultimate hurdle in her second White House bid — eight years after her painful loss to Barack Obama.

周二早些时候,富国银行中心(Wells Fargo Centre)会场内的绝大部分代表爆发出热烈的掌声,美国前第一夫人、纽约州参议员和国务卿在第二次试图问鼎白宫的征途中清除了倒数第二道障碍——8年前她痛苦地输给了巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)。

Speaking by video after her husband’s address, Mrs Clinton thanked delegates for the historic result, saying: “I can’t believe that we have put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet.”


Her primary rival Bernie Sanders has urged his supporters to back the woman who will face Donald Trump in what is expected to be one of the ugliest presidential races in modern US history.

她在初选阶段的竞争对手伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)敦促其支持者支持希拉里。希拉里将在预计是现代美国历史上最丑陋的一场总统选举中与唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)对决。

Speaking 24 years after he accepted the Democratic nomination and went on to beat George Bush, Mr Clinton regaled delegates with tales about how he courted his wife when they were law students, telling the crowd: “I married my best friend”.

24年前,克林顿获得民主党提名,进而击败了乔治•H•W•布什(George H W Bush),他在演讲中向代表们讲述了当年他如何追求希拉里的花絮——当时他们都是法学院的学生——他告诉听众:“我娶了我最好的朋友。”

The former Arkansas governor said the woman who had devoted her life to helping children and the disadvantaged was the “real” Hillary Clinton — not the “cartoon” figure portrayed at last week’s Republican convention, when mentions of her name were met with chants of “lock her up”.

这位前阿肯色州州长表示,一生中都在帮助儿童和弱势群体的希拉里是“真正的”希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)——而非上周共和党全国代表大会所描述的“卡通”人物,当时提到希拉里的名字时人群会齐声高喊“把她关起来”。

Mr Clinton told the audience that his wife had been tough on terrorism and on Iran, in an effort to counter recent attacks from Mr Trump and his surrogates, who have portrayed her as someone who would follow the path of Mr Obama, who many Republicans believe has weakened the US position in the world.


He said the two pictures of his wife were irreconcilable, telling the audience that “one is real; the other is made up” before congratulating the delegates for their historic nomination of “the real one”.


“You just have to decide which is which, my fellow Americans,” said Mr Clinton. “The real one repeatedly drew praise from prominent Republicans when she was a senator and secretary of state”.


The Clinton campaign hopes the former president will employ his campaigning skills — which his wife concedes she cannot match — to energise Democrats and win over independents. Mr Obama, who speaks to the convention on Wednesday, will also be enlisted to galvanise voters for his former secretary of state.



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