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发布时间:2019-09-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

To be a *charismatic leader, it helps to have speaking skills that convey strength, experience, and *likeability. Contrary to popular belief, a speaker’s message might not matter as much as the style in which the speech was delivered. A new study finds it’s a leader’s tone of voice that actually assembles the masses.


Researchers from the University of California analyzed the vocal stylings of four US politicians–Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. They found that while all of them presented wildly different messages, they altered their voices in similar ways, depending on the audience.


“Politicians use voice as a very powerful behavior to convey their charisma,” Rosario Signorello, one of the researchers behind the work, said at a recent briefing.


When it comes to politics, it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. There’s a good reason that some of the most successful politicians, for better or worse, are also known as outstanding *orators, able to persuade large and diverse crowds with powerful speeches. But it’s not just about the words they choose; the same paragraph on chopped carrots might sound boring in a monotone speaker’s voice but *riveting when recited by a Shakespearean actor. *Seasoned politicians know this all too well.


Addressing large crowds


“When the candidates addressed [an] audience of perceived and assessed lower status, lower social status, they would use a high vocal pitch range, a high vocal pitch average and a wide loudness range,” Signorello said.

“当竞选人推断听众的社会地位较低时,他们会将声音保持在高音域,音调高、音响范围大。” 希诺纳雷洛说。

This makes sense given the audience, he added.


“They have to diversify in their speech because they address an extremely diverse audience, so it’s like they’re focusing on subgroups of their audience and trying to fulfill each one’s expectation” of what a charismatic leader sounds like, said Signorello.


Addressing fellow politicians


When the politicians were addressing other politicians, such as when Clinton spoke to a United Nations commission, when Sanders spoke to the US Senate or when Trump and Fiorina spoke at the New Hampshire Republican Leadership Summit, the candidates limited their pitch to low and medium frequencies. That’s a pattern that’s meant to signal power and dominance – and it’s a well-worn strategy across the *mammalian kingdom. A politician may lower their pitch range in this context because they want to hold their own among perceived equals, said the scientist.


“When they address leaders, the audience diversity is very, very restricted,” he pointed out. “They’re probably mostly male listeners of a certain age. So this is why the vocal behavior is adapted to that.”

“当他们对领导人讲话时,这样的听众群就非常单一了。” 希诺纳雷洛指出,“他们基本上都是特定年龄段的男性听众,因此音调也就相应地做出了调整。”

When on a talk show chatting about nonpolitical things, however, the politicians all used their normal pitch range, without “stretching” their frequencies or loudness, he added.



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